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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. Care to explain why Music comes in second for you? What are your favorite songs on it? :)

    Well at the time I used to really be into them I loved the digital effects xD I suppose my fave songs are puzzle, Ishtar, enishi, Smash, Melody and Omaeni sasageru minikui koe (but then the last three already appeared in Reason for Crying so nothing new there :P). 

    Actually I also liked the songs on 13's Reborn. Suppose it's not even second then.

  2. Congratulations Saku! 


    I personally never smoked before, I find it a nauseating smell to even be around and therefore stay away from people who are actively smoking mostly ^___^ However I do think it's somewhat revolutionary that these things came in existence, in my opinion it's still not healthy at all but at least it's better than smelly cigarettes.

    I can't understand why to start smoking in the first place. I find the smell gross enough to want to vomit. But somehow I can't get away from it :P  

  3. Hahaha, my parents were struggling trying to find me a name, and then my dad was randomly listening to this song and they named me after it :D

    If you could decide, that ONE thing in your life would be forever free, what would it be? (eg. clothes, food, etc...)

    Nice song :)

    Hmm if I could have free tickets and reservations everywhere that would be pretty awesome :D

    Who from here would you like to meet in real life?

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