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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. ^ You're right, it was a hardware issue, or both OS and hardware issue. It turned out my harddrive got fucked up. So now I'm getting it replaced and the Windows reinstalled. Apparently that was expected because my pc is over 4 years old. So now tabula rasa :P

    Thanks for the advice, I do have an i5 btw.

  2. Oh dear, an error in the pasting of the URLs? Maybe? Nah, it's correct, I guess it's just a random error, no worries.

    Oh my god, such cute smiles!! : 3 Thanks very much for not minding to link us to the page differently. I'd like your post, it's just, at the minute, I'm over quota. D':

    You're welcome, I couldn't not post this :3 No worries ^_^ Sorry that it's a bit small.

  3. Must just be us kyoselflove, I've got the 'referral denied' too. D: Lovely entry either way -k∆-, just won't allow access for us. ><

    It's just really strange because after I clicked on them here the links didn't work. Anyway maybe it will work now :P



  4. omg tell me about it. It took me 3 hours to send my portfolio over the tablet i was on last night

    Also yes it is now and before it was as well! ;0; shamelessly ice biased

    Well I can't blame you, if I could I'd make him pose for me, haha :D

  5. had to revert back to windows 7 since the computer I had which ran windows 8 is no long in my possession, but currently I don't have access to internet in my own home so my laptop has been kind of collecting dust. I'm on my iphone mostly, windows phone was too expensive ;o;

    I see :( I feel like a cripple without my computer, having to use my tablet instead :P

    Btw is that Ice on your avatar?

  6. Looks like I had an OS problem... If I had formatted my computer on time none of this would've happened probably. But I'm a dummy when it comes to this stuff :P I should know better now.

    I like windows 8. Windows 8 is great. I miss windows 8.

    What are you using currently?

  7. Withering to death for me was the best and most played in my library. It had a little of everything there and just a great energy (and live it was just as good if not better!!). Gauze would be my close second since that was my introduction to them and I have so many nostalgia feels attached to it.. After Withering I've had a hard time enjoying their music. I like catchy Dir en grey, what can I say? XD

    I feel exactly the same way...

  8. Well in the end I'm not even able to start Windows. I guess it's hardware after all. So I suppose my question is not relevant anymore... Thanks for the comments guys.

    I'll be taking it to the lab tomorrow, hopefully this is nothing serious >_<

    But regardless I suppose it would be pointless anyway.

  9. This may be a stupid question but I really need to know if it's worth to upgrade to Windows 8? I'm currently using Windows 7 and I've been having bugs on my computer on a regular basis recently. Such my mouse and pen tablet stop working some time after startup or suddenly getting the blue screen of death (though probably it's got to do with my antivirus). I was told that upgrading would solve all that, and the occasional solwness. But I'm kinda hesitating because it's a headache figuring out. Any opinions from those of you who are using W8 would be much appreciated. 

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