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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. I always have weird dreams. The last one I can clearly remember was about me being called to the army (although I never realy served there). But I could see the base pretty realistically. I dreamt that when I arrived there I realized that I forgot to pack clothes and that I'd have to go back home to pick them. So I got nervous because it would have taken me half a day. Which was when I woke up.

  2. Nope, I hate cooking. I am normally a very patientt person, but with cooking... Not at all. I don't like how long it takes and how much time it takes away from my day. :'D I don't get how some people make food every day for couple of hours, especially because my work is in different times (not a 9 to 5 job); sometimes I get home at 9PM, sometimes at 6PM, but sometimes at 2PM. 



    Agree on that one. Sometimes I feel like it never ends :P I wish I could finish everything in hyper speed o_O

  3. Well of course. It's just all about Asagi that screams for "woman". It's just who he is..from my point of view, of course. And I don't see it as a bad thing if even his growls reflect his persona or style. I just happen to not like it anymore. I also have Angela Gossow immendiately in mind as a sort of counter-example. Ever since I watched the music video of "My Apocalypse" I can't think of her but a man in a woman's hide.


    Apart of that, Asagi's growls actually have much more quality than many other VK vocalists. .. Is this an unpopular opinion?

    His growls always make me chuckle because of the chirping sounds in his voice and I just can't take him seriously. I guess I only like his singing when it's not overly operatic or trying to do some special effects :P As to his visual style I can't seem to like any of his looks at all, with maybe a few exceptions.

    I don't know her but I think Masha Arhipova (Scream) from Arkona is also pretty amazing.



  4. When Asagi does those "death vocals", I feel a strong sense of feminine/girlieness coming from them. Do you want to tell me that factually this is impossible? No it isn't, it's just my perception. Or opinion, if you will. And same goes for the clean singing... for me it's not a matter of saying "oh, but he screams..that makes it sound totally manly to me". That's your approach, not mine.

    Lol I actually know some female vocalists who can growl just like him or manlier :P



    I can't tell you all singers names, but just some bands that come to mind: 9Goats Black out, D, Versailles, Jupiter, Phantasmagoria (and folks), Kiryu, (what I like of) Mejibray, etc. pp. There's a lot more but right now these come to mind first. ^^

    I agree on the vocal types of Asagi and 9Goats Ryo. Half the time (or most of the time) to me they just sound forced and pretentious and plain annoying. Sadly they ruined my whole listening experience from these two bands. I believe Satsuki's vocals are in the same vein but at least during RES he was versatile enough to enjoy.

  6. Well, from experience I've learned that I can't date someone who doesn't have personal charm :P We've got to have some things and views in common. I think ideally that would be a person I could also be friends with.

    Do you think a better cook us one who can create complex dishes that are not necessarily to your liking, or one who can make simple dishes that taste good?

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