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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. Finally watched Cold Mountain last night (with a delay of like 10 years :D). I think I missed at least the first 30-40 minutes by the time I started, but still I really enjoyed it. The cinematography was fantastic. Everything felt pretty realistic and I could really get the sense of that time in history. Plotwise it was never boring, and it was really interesting to see the paralell journeys of each of the main characters until they finally met again. I really enjoyed the acting as well, notably Renée Zellweger, Jack White, James Gammon; although there really weren't any bad performances. The ending sequence was a little inconsistent but everything was tied up nicely by Ada's narration.


    Think I'd give it a 9/10.

  2. To be honest I often feel like the Visual Kei scene is like one big dog show. With one band trying to be more peacocky than the other you shouldn't be surprised to see so much snobbism among visual kei fans. It's a shame though when a good band is underappreciated because it's not 'visual' enough, but then it doesn't automatically mean that a famous band is a good band. With a few exceptions, somehow I always find the gems among the less known ones.

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