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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. I've done that a few times myself, but maybe starting over wouldn't be such a bad thing. Plus it helps you practice, that is, if you really have the motivation to draw the same thing over again. Either way I'd love to see more realism from you :)

  2. not really since I was working in layers

    Yeah so I figured. But I don't see the problem. Just leave what you have done so far and draw the rest on some new layers. Then you can tweak everything together.


    Was I the first to die?


    Don't know, haven't got to that part yet . But if you really want to  :devilwha: 

    I'd love to know which members were which stereotypical character, as kyo-san has just started to ask pretty much. xD

    It actually wasn't like a scripted kind of thing, I was just running around with a megaphone lol

  4. Thanks for giving me hope Zeus :P Well I didn't really expect to find a magic solution but I didn't think it was this bad. Suppose I'll wait for a spy software to be cracked and put on a dl site :P Btw I'm working with Hebrew, not with English.


    As to transcribes, haven't found that very effective so far.

  5. Thanks hon, but none of these links is useful. The free transcribe site is not a solution because I still have to do everything manually (I was actually looking at it earlier), and that's not what I was looking for. Looks like there are no shotrcuts for me if I don't want to pay for such a service. Ah well, manually it is then.


    Or maybe I still haven't tried everything

  6. Hi guys, I was wondering if anybody knows a software that can convert audio speech to text? I've been struggling with editing something I recorded on my mobile and I got really frustrated. Though I don't expect everything on that recording to be decipherable, but that would make my life a lot easier if I could find an app or program that could do that for me. So any help is appreciated.

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