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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. Well, my favorite album by them is Kyuutai, but it's really different from the Waga, Arubeki Basho era. If you want to stick to that sound, get Kuchiki no Tou, which is also a pretty wicked album.


    I also recommend Shion, Shangri-la and THE END OF THE WORLD, pretty nice albuns IMO. Karma is poppy as hell, so stay away from it.

    I see nothing wrong with Karma.

  2. Went to pre-order NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST's new album this afternoon and got bored on bus on the way, so here's a selfie.



    I don't know why I always think you're a guy lol. 



    My friend hosted a Masquerade dance for her 23rd birthday (Not traditional sadly, just modern dance party : P). Couldn't pass an opportunity to take a photo.



    Cadrboard mask? That's cute :)

  3. There is a lot more than one thing. But I guess one of the things that irritate me the most is seeing bands use the same stereotypical images in their songs and videos. Sometimes this is nothing but annoying.


    If you happened to find a genie lamp and it could grant you one wish, what would you ask for?

  4. I don't believe in astrology because there's nothing to believe in. Astrology belongs to the same category (that is pseudo science) as alchemy and homeopathy - they were created hundreds of years ago because people were just trying to figure out the world without that scientific knowledge we have nowadays.





    Sorry to be a party pooper but...I think astrology is notorious for breeding stereotypes (just like the blood type theory), and I don't believe in it just as I don't believe in god. To me it's just a tool for people to categorize themselves and others, because ho we can't live without putting everything into frames. This makes life so much easier. But if there are groups of people typically acting the same way it doesn't mean that this is why we do it. Humans are basically animals, and animals have their own behavioral patterns, but nobody applies those theories on them :P  The funny thing is that even when you don't believe in it you still check your horoscope and zodiac compatability because others are doing it. As to myself I can say that this pseudo-science is totally inaccurate.

    Of oourse if it makes you happy don't let what I say affect you :)


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