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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. I have to tell you something that I'm not proud of (xDDD) : I've never seen The Hobbit I, II or III. for real ;-; BUT, this week-end, I'll fix that.

    I wanted to buy the whole blu-ray boxset (now that the trilogy is closed), but apparently the extended version will not be released before december or something like that, so I've downloaded the 3 movies instead. yay, can't wait!

    I haven't seen Avatar and I don't care.

  2. Today my phone suddenly decided it wants to go on strike for no apparent reason. Just a month after I bought it. Now I can't either charge it, turn it on or retrieve anything that was on it. The goddamned thing won't respond to anything >.< And I can't even take out the battery without getting it to the lab. Fuck is that some kind of a curse?

  3. Reviving this thread because I wanted to post this somewhere.


    Epica - The Quantum Enigma




    I just came across Epica's The Quantum Enigma album cover by randomly googling for name ideas and it really impressed me, although I don't care much for Epica's music. But the cover is really beautiful. Can't really judge by the relevance to the music but it kinda makes me curious because the image looks really mysterious and quite powerful. Everything just blends really well together and the colors are beautiful.

  4. It's been ages since I've been able to say that I'm happy with my face, but now that my acne medication has been rolling for ~month, it looks promising. Still 5 months to go, so I hope it will turn out even better.



    You kinda look like Shikamaru :D

  5. Been getting into them recently. I think they are awesome. I really like the enka-esque quality in the singer's voice (on other occasion it might've annoyed me but it's perfect here), and how all the instruments are complimenting each other. Pretty appropriate music for the season :) I bet they are spectacular to watch live.


    Gotta say the choice to cover vocaloid songs is pretty odd to me though.

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