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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. This had been brought up to my attention when @CAT5 had spoken about it once before. I began noticing how other users and myself would use, as previously done in that sentence, the tag/wrap of [ member= (member name here)] -> [member= CAT5). This highlights the user, but doesn't inform/notify them of that usage. This is a great way to direct a user's attention to a shout out for any reason when someone doesn't use a quotation. For example, the birthday thread. It only highlights a member but doesn't tell them they've been wished a birthday which I think would be nice in case the thread itself goes unnoticed by them. I have also noticed how users might only bold a name or underline it (if everyone were to use the wrap, this might not have crossed my mind), for instance, here when I had happened to stumble upon this post while scrolling. I understand we also have the search funtion to look up our names as well but wouldn't this be more suitable? I also understand the server might need to be updated for this to work but if this is wanted by other users too and that it's not too difficult to make happen, I hope this comes into play at some point. Actually, with an easier thought on this, maybe more colours can happen when it comes to usernames? This is merely some thoughts but thank you for taking notice.

    I was thinking of suggesting that before.

  2. I don't actually have a pet, but since three days ago we have a resident cat in the flower pot at the porch ouside our livingroom window, who found a nice spot to give birth. So now we have an angry mother cat with two or three kittens who won't let anybody open the window, or she will charge at you and bite or scratch your face. She won't even let us feed her, and it's only possible to do from safe distance. Kind of reminds me of a tiger in the circus lol.

  3. Nah, same here. XD I guess if it's recent and you know there's already an existing thread, just respond to that one, unless you can search and find it. ^^ I'll stfu now lol.

    Well I saw a thread in the download section the other day but after I wanted to get back to it some time later it was gone. Which is funny.

  4. Oh my goodness, no no no no, not a problem at all. If a thread has already been made, you just have to post in it to 'revive' it so there's no need to make a new thread. The search function at the top is helpful in locating all things mentioned on the forum so if you want to make a thread you think might already exist, just type a related word in there. Mods will get the job done if you make a mistake so please don't worry!

    Actually a couple of times I failed to find the thread I was looking for lol

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