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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. ^naw, Dispo-after-his-diet-sable and Bio-fat-but-still-cute-panda are the hottest guys here :3 it's too bad that mh has zero tolerance to straight guys, otherwise they'd have won.


    also Drama Queen/King award isn't accurate here, since our queen(or princess?) has been banned already :<

    Right, I forgot this place is a gay haven/heaven lol.


    I actually miss our hime. It's so damn boring without her :(

  2. I keep getting a "The server returned an error during upload" message whenever I try to upload a photo. The forum is self-aware; knowing what I look like, it won't let me scar your beautiful eyes XD

    Why so harsh on yourself? xD

  3. Hmm... I guess I'd kiss Hyde, Kill Gackt and marry TM.R cause he's the most popular and possibly most rich :P






    Sujk. (or the other guy if you please xD)




    random indian




    and Johnny Depp.

  4. Id say its fairly true but solely dependant that the girlfriend doesnt have a mouth that needs constant punching to make her shut the fuck up. 


    Sorry but I don't think you're very polite. I think that there are better ways to be outspoken without being offensive. You just sound immature.

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