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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. Today is so far either the third or the fourth relatively hot day this summer. I was already getting used to playing football on a wet and cold lawn and wearing layers for running. Feck if this isn't the coldest and shittiest summer I can recall.

    Wanna trade?

  2. Somehow llistening to stuff I used to listen to like 10-15 years ago makes it feel funny and for the most part kind of irrelevant. Even though I would be glad to go back in time to see 80's Buck-Tick or Prince live :) As well as some early 00s bands that broke up before I even knew about them. So I can't really say if I have a favorite, but I'm sure you can find elements of pretty much everything in today's music which I can't say I feel very sentimental about either :P).

  3. By my definition a best friend is someone who will be there for you in hard times, or at least be interested enough to ask how you're doing now and then. Not just someone to pass the time with or chat. Well it's kinda all of these things put together. And of course there's the factor of meeting in a real space. So there's nobody I could really call a best friend. And honestly there's hardly anyone I could consider to be more than an acquaintance. Especially among people I only talk to online.

    Many of my real life friendships have never reached that point either, because we just stopped meeting each other, and because of trivial change of interests.

  4. Cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, you're right it does sound funny.


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