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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica




    Versailles and BLACK CAT are asleep. How peaceful 



    Wake up my children.


    You all forgot a classic:
    Seriously, we probably need a thread for this.


    As requested I'm starting this tread :)


    I think this trend is most common and obvious in vk, but let's see some more examples you can come up with. 


    Edit: please only post things that are really similar, for instance if two album covers feature a japanese theme it doesn't count.

  2. That's a pretty cool blog. Didn't know there were so many girl bands either. Most of those on the list look like barbie dolls (not my cup of tea) but I'd love to find some interesting female vk bands to listen to.


    Though to be honest none of the ones I heard so far have held my interest for very long.

  3. English is basically an offshoot of an early medieval German dialect (the Angles and Saxons came from northern Germany after all), but later they got screwed over by french-speaking Normans, which is why there are a lot of words from medieval French as well. Also, at some point the English decided that all those declinations are just not cool and dropped most of them. And while they were at it, they also shifted half their vowels... but I digress.

    Interesting. I was sure that only English was infulenced by French. That makes sense though. Thanks for the explanation.




    In a nutshell: they are related (both are germanic languages) and are somewhat similar, but have developed quite differently since over 1500 years. I'd say they are similar enough to make it easier to learn one language if you speak the other, but it also can be confusing, because some words may sound similar and even have the same origin, but have developed into very different meanings now.

    That happens with any language that has borrowed words from another, the cultural baggage attached to them tends to change according to the country/region. I sometimes have to look for substitutes in order to translate English into Hebrew.

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