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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. YES.


    That or they put up an edited picture like this, as if they want the boys to become like those little monsters in Final Fantasy or similar games who eventually merge into one another to form a bigger creature.




    lol yeah I used to have those.



  2. Does anyone know where can I find more info on Kairi's (ex-Siva, GaNesha) first band, ヴィシュヌ (Vishnu)? Not last.fm or vkdb because there's virtually nothing there. I'd love to find their songs as well. I understand there wasn't much but I'm really curious to hear how they sounded. Thanks in advance ♥

  3. Thought I'd try something different and show myself (by not showing myself) through videooo.



    I don't really know how to dance but I know how to enjoy myself.

    Who needs to go to the club when you have a laptop, big tv, hdmi cable, foobar2000, youtube, and a living room.

    lol I haven't seen that one yet.

  4. I'm sorry to hear your CD got messed up x_x I generally try to use at least 3 layers of bubble wrap with an envelope(2 of wrap+the layer from the envelope). Could you take pictures of the envelope and CD? I was looking at the picture on RarezHut and it seems like there was already a small tear on the slipcase.

    It came like this. 





    Yep it's the same tear, but it seems to have gotten deeper and the paint rubbed off in places. The plastic is all falling apart. 

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