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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. In all honesty, most bands don't even need parody names :D The original names are as funny as that. (I mean - Cocklobin? D? Sex virgin killer??? )

    Kamijo - Mojojo

    Mucc- F**k

    Mana (Mana, Gackt) Llama llama duck

    Vamps - Tramps 


    Ah,, also : DOGin the poo (I kind of read it like this the first time I saw the band name and unfortunately it stayed that way)

    What kills me though is how some bands use a singular words in their names, like The Benjamin, The Beethoven, or The Underneath. I guess that's what sets Japanese bands apart from western lol

  2. What size is it? It looks pretty narrow. I don't think you are using your space well. Whatever version you choose you better space out the letters evenly, and wide enough apart to read. Maybe you should put the website address at the front instead to balance it out. I think I like C back version and B front version, but if you want consistency then you should have a smiilar color effect on both sides. Something like VONTOGRAPHY. Hope that helps.

  3. Ohayo ^^ I was just listening to Sad Mask by Syndrome, and heard it sung by Asagi, and then the previous version that was sung by someone called Tatsuya. But there isn't any info on him that I could find. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about him? He sounds oddly familliar (maybe cause of the bad vocals :D). Thanks.

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