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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. omg finally my wish has been granted, previeeeews I'm hella excited for this mini!
  2. Shir0

    That's so fucking sad I feel like crying I wished they would take their time, take a pause, come up with another solution than disbanding cuz no..can't deal with this atm Edit: thanks for translating this hiroki
  3. fuck it. fuck this day

    1. yakihiko


      fuck it all :<

    2. blackdoll


      snow got me feeling this way and usually i like snow

  4. Shir0

    I'm always up for new DIAURA singles INCOMPLETE's re-recorded songs were great
  5. It sliiighlty reminds me of the chorus of Nijuujinkaku but only the first 10sec. of like..20sec? too short to form an opinion yet but I'm looking forward to it!
  6. Shir0

    This made me laugh so much
  7. ^ you took the words right outta my mouth Hope we will be able to listen to it
  8. couldn't stop paying attention to it throughout the MV spot when reading this before actually watching it
  9. dunno whethever I like the first or second cover more both look [2]
  10. Their look is OK I admit I enjoyed a few seconds here & there but overall it makes me think of a worse version of Pentagon?
  11. remember the digital songs? I'm glad to see them active any news about their digital songs tho?
  12. Shir0

    Thank you^
  13. The MV looks cool but I'm not convinced, still nice to see that so many enjoy it
  14. chimera > gravitation this MV was deliiicious~
  15. My most hated words and things in VK are definitely indefinite hiatus/disbandet, live-limited & Mejibray fandom
  16. Shir0

  17. Shir0

    The introducing of each of them was funny wonder if he's really gay idk it seemed more like a joke to me? could be true ofc can't wait for further information :DDD
  18. Shir0

    woooah he looks beautiful ;___; can't wait for the second announcement
  19. Shir0

    The excitement is rising!
  20. like the self-drawn cover art muuuuuuuuuuuuch more than the first one
  21. Shir0

    yeah among a few MH members but tbh I wouldn't really say they are I mean popular are Bands like Mejibray, Lycaon, DDR etc. MBHI's fanbase isn't THAT big imo They're definitely worth checking out tho
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