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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. a bit mediocre at some parts but I'm liking the previews
  2. Hooooly- is that really you Satsuki?

    1. CAT5


      you guys are getting me curious XD

  3. WHY doesnt a video of this exist god damn This lmao
  4. Shir0

    NOOOOO They were soo good D:
  5. Shir0

    love hate nimbly~ love hate nimbly~ the fortune flower told me that I should care about you - one-sided love
  6. This is so sad to watch after knowing they're going to disband I still think it's a simple but very beautiful monochrome PV
  7. FUCKING GOALS!! want a Yoshi/Tenten duet singing KuRt
  8. Shir0

    Live in Poland? I'm confused someone knows if they'll tour in EU now or not?
  9. Shir0

    Interesting!! so this is wajow's side project?
  10. Shir0

    Someone burn Izumi the ugly witch already ruined Lycaon *worries about Sibile, poor babys*
  11. Shir0

    wtf dude?
  12. Shir0

    Shit I didn't knew Kaede retires This one Tweet worried me too especially now that they really disband I wonder if he already thought about disbanding when he tweeted this..
  13. Shir0

    THIS 110% come back, don't leave me broken yeah it was only this one Vocaloid song Eve composed tho. I wonder what's up with the other guys I miss Satoshi ( hope they'll all start a new project asap hearted
  14. breathing seems to be torn a little more I’d love to meet you - Yurikago

  15. Shir0

    I feel like I'm losing ground
  16. I love them for sharing this on their YT channel great to hear Tenten's beautiful voice again
  17. Shir0

  18. Shir0

    Yes he used to be their support drummer before Byou joine. idk if it's just me but I feel like Wana has liiiiightly something of Lycaon (suckin on a lollipop in special)? one more reason to like it tho & Yomigaeri sounds fucking awesome imo but idk what to do with otogirisou...
  19. Shir0

    Uuuugh I start to become impatient (( eeh I think this might take some time? iiiidk the next release is gonna be a love song right? BUT ITS TENTEN SINGING YAS <3 THIIIIIIIS
  20. hella excited for shitai dake deshiyo
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