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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Shir0

    Set list of yesterday's concert It was a bit chaotic at first but still freaking awesome my neck still hurts lol I think the highlight (beside the meet & greet) was when everyone sung Happy Birthday and a stuff member bought a cake on stage and put a crown on Uruha's head his accent when he said something in german was so cute
  2. Awesome! I loved Uronna Chocolate looking forward to their mini album
  3. Shir0

    YEES more Yoshiatsu covered in chocolate pictures <33333
  4. Shir0

    finished Sou (KRAD) yesterday
  5. Shir0

    KIDS WAR pls let KIDS WAAAR be on this maxi single
  6. sitting in the train and people look at me like I'm some Satanic bitch hahaha





    1. Shir0


      Thank you! It was Awesomeee

       Hahahah yes most of Gazette fans looked like we're gathering to hail satan ruki XD I wanna see that outfit thoooo you should upload it on MH :33 

    2. emmny


      i have my makeup and stuff in the show yourself thread--my outfit wasn't anything special tho i didn't take pics ;___;. post the setlist in the gaze thread if u remember!!

    3. Shir0


      Ohh right right I forgot & uuurgh I barely remembeeeer but I'm sure it will be posted somewhere lol

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  7. Shir0

    @AliceParanoid Bahaha I already plan on living with my 7 cats/dogs (and get eaten by them) + I already have a wedding deal with someonee Ok cool.. I don't mind you joining my harem consisting of Karma, Tenten, Chiaki, Zen, Tzk, Yuuki, *keeps counting* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hahaha omg single af
  8. Shir0

    BEAUTIFUL CREATURE HAS RETURNED so happy to hear from him again <33
  9. Shir0

    I edited it for you huuun btwstop making fun of me
  10. Shir0

    Agreed they're improving looking forward to this release and love their new look
  11. LMFAOOO Ruki's Tweet... Cologne is not in France my dear





    1. Chi



    2. IvColors


      LOL He has a really serious fail. I wake up this morning laughing a lot with this but i think is best that his friends told him~ xDDDDDDD wwwwwwww 

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  12. Shir0

    Chiaki (DEZERT) tryout
  13. Shir0

    Wait there was actually another niconico live??? thankfully someone recorded D:
  14. Shir0

    +1 hope you can make it to the concert
  15. Shir0

    This is supeeerb love the picture!
  16. Shir0

    Awesome news! can never have enough TBS in my life
  17. AWESOMEEE so much to look forward to!
  18. Shir0

    Niiice Meji, BORN ( </3 ) & Sadie Welcome to MH
  19. looking forward to it!
  20. Shir0

    ^ yup! Karma modeling for MY WAY.'s S/S collection-> http://myway.shop-pro.jp/
  21. Shir0

    looking as handsome as ever! Karma in that purple dess (jacket?) <3333
  22. Happy Birthday!

    1. emmny


      thanks shiro <3

  23. Shir0

    love their style <3
  24. 1:54 that's what I look like when trying Yoga very cool PV and also the Mini itself Xaa-Xaa did a great job there
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