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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Shir0

  2. Shir0

    So fast! Awesomeee
  3. still my fav kiss my way song
  4. Agreeeeed DDR never dissapoints with their PVs I'm very excited for this Album now
  5. ^ agreed! Not very fond of this pichipichi song but over all it sounds fantastic so far! This might actually become my fav mini by them I'm especially looking forward to ooame keihou hatsurei sounds interesting!
  6. Shir0

    Urrgh that's sad wishing him good luck tho
  7. Shir0

    So it's decided Satoshi come back to D.I.D [3]
  8. Loving this black&white picture with color accent!
  9. Oooh and I thought they'd start a new fashion line but Tenten as DJ sounds even more intersting
  10. Shir0

    Sou you beautiful creature <33 Why does rasen has to be live limited urgh
  11. Nicee! listened to their last mini a few days ago and wondering when they'll announce something new
  12. Shir0

    yeah hope he's doing okay
  13. Shir0

    NOOOOOO I knew that with only 2 memebers there was a high chance they'd end up disbanding but... I really wish for L to continue! such a talented man
  14. Ooh okay! finally got it thanks
  15. wait so their Album was released like..yesterday?
  16. Soo someone knows similar shops to creepyyeah (which is less expensive)? ?  D:

  17. So Sou has opened his Twitter https://twitter.com/krad_saw
  18. Aaaah so much awesomeness D:
  19. O..kay I was expecting something WHOLE different when that girl was humming Akai Bathroom like a creepy sequel of it but nice ballad
  20. Shir0

    Agreeing on a remastered demo version XD
  21. Shir0

    ending it with how they started <//3 This plzz
  22. Shir0

    I'm also getting light Twisted Pain vibes but this is much more beautiful and their best PV imo
  23. Awesomeeee Introduction !
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