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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. ^ THIIS I guess it won't take long tho?
  2. I guess he was only a guest at the show?
  3. WOOOAH T_T this live looks so much fun YAS YAS YAS TENTEN oh take this aaaaalll awaaayy~ *crying*
  4. I was expecting something whole different when I heard the first 10 sec. turnes out it's much more calm than I thought at first I'm very curious how the rest will be like & The MV SPOT looks great
  5. Wooow Tsukime hasn't been released yet & they're already announcing a new single, cool
  6. This sounds very promising imo
  7. (almost) old MBHI </3 that's pretty cool tho
  8. Shir0

    This makes me smile & almost cry in so many ways hah The post is sad but also very touching how he writes about his close friend, wishing Tohma & D.I.D all the very best God I love you Akane may they rock this last live I wish I could attend it's sounds like it's gonna be SICK
  9. Shir0

    thanks for translating this! his last few tweets worried me as well but you can never trust google translator..well in the end it did turn out to be something worrisome
  10. Need some series to watch, any recommendations?

    1. beni


      I totally forgot to mention LOST. ;; That's a recommendation too! Also, blackdoll's comment reminded me of the recently aired HUMANS (UK) which is a really good and promising drama show.

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Yeah Lost is the first series I would totally suggest

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      But also TWD, Blacklist, Downton Abbey and many others... :P

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  11. Agreed! Very short but enough to make me feel excited for yomigaeri I expect this to be heavier since MOON in general was rather quite
  12. Shir0

    ^ ich will deine Nägel omg
  13. " #tbt to the #goodoldtimesofMETEOROID " good for your guys, hope you had your fun doing this seriously tho I hope the B-sides will be more like what they recently released
  14. Shir0

    This makes me miss weird Japanese TV shows so much
  15. Shir0

    Instrumental not my thing but the vocalist's voice is not too bad
  16. right? tbh I still think it's cute but I can kinda understand if some are already getting annoyed of it however so what? it's not affecting their music if one doesn't like it then don't buy it, bye. Anyway I agree with emmny
  17. Hmm.. I also think there's a slight degree of similarity but the more I listen to the previews the less become the Plantman vibes especially after hearing this short live preview & Sou being black haired now: idk but I prefer his blond hair it looked more messy? which was exactly what I loved lol
  18. Shir0

    Why is it that you always come up with the things you wanted to say when it is already over like it hit you so hard at that moment & there's just so much on you mind so you end up changing the topic & a few hours later you're like "oh I could have.....nvm don't wanna bring this up again"
    1. yakihiko


      He probably woke up too early

    2. yakihiko


      Or didn't sleep yet xD

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