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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Shir0

    YEEEES thankfully Munich is included!
  2. When ur sitting in class & Gazette's WT has been confirmed and people wonder whats wrong with u lol

    1. yakihiko
    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Going to marathon through all the dvds nao

    3. Shir0
  3. Shir0

  4. Shir0

    Karma 2.0 We need to do thiiiis!
  5. Shir0

    My mom's reaction to this was hilarious god I miss Lycaon </3
  6. Shir0

    NOOOOO so I guess this rumor was wrong no EU tour but most likely US :')...
  7. Shir0

    Agree with the both of you this PV reminded me a lot of Ame no Waltz but with the difference that 「ルシッド・ドリーム」Chorus isn't as interesting but it's exactly because of this^ which makes me think the Chorus actually fits into the PV?
  8. Shir0

    ^ Hahaha ikr??
  9. Shir0

    the live version of 「浴槽」~ introduction is awesomee
  10. Shir0

    Omg I love these weirdos so much (4:58 don't throw up guys) dunno what's going on in this one but Izumi's laugh is very loud lol
  11. simple cover art I wish we could hear thiiiis D:
  12. Shir0

    Hahahha literally me when I heard that their first song ist Hanaichimonme Agreeed this one is so much better! I want moooore D:
  13. Shir0

    partly agree I'm pretty much done with the song after a few listens still excited for dadaism #2 tho since the PV IS beautiful and Oh myyyy TOMO riight? haha
  14. sounds like a basic mix of this^ and Meji's Decadance + this dude who looks like he's cosplaying MiA haha but seriously I can't that their look is amazing gonna keep an eye on them
  15. 愛せない自分を 憎んで壊 して 本当の「僕」を傷付 けて 気付けば偽りの「僕」を演じていた 幸せを歌にすることに嫌気がさした 誰も僕の「本音」を聞こうとしない いつからか諦めて自分に嘘をついてた 偽ることで生きやすくなる哀れな現実を恨んだ 本当の「僕」に手を振った 偽りの「僕」を呼んでいる 交わる二つの人格が「僕」を消した 愛せない自分を 憎んで壊 して 本当の「僕」を傷付 けて 気付けば誰からも愛されなくなた 嬉しい時楽しい時素直に笑えたあの日 何もかもか輝いて 苦しい時悲しい時素直に涙流せたあの日に戻りたい 本当の「僕」に手を振った 偽りの「僕」を呼んでいる 交わる二つの人格が「僕」を否定し続けてる 愛せない自分の 「本音」を隠した 素顔は闇に閉じ込めた 本当は誰かに必要とされたくて 愛せない愛せない 自分が嫌いで 本当の「僕」を捨てたんだ 気付けば偽りの「僕」も傷付けていた
  16. Shir0

    Just out of curiosity but where does all this gossip come from? I mean where do they spread it? This is the first time that I hear of anything like the baby drama?
  17. Shir0

    Looks like it's only about their tour final? (Unfortunately no WT)
  18. Shir0

    THHHHIIIIIS OMG YES PLEASE wanna see them in Munich D:
  19. Shir0

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