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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Awwh D: Fuck Noooo!! and I was hoping for DEZERT to slay my top 10 Albums of the year list .__.
  2. same heeere like it's only been a day since the release of SepsiS but KRAD won't let u relax by giving previews to their next single which make it impossible to endure the wait...was my thought still hella excited for M.A.D!
  3. Shir0

    who could it be [2] The line-uup!!! D:
  4. Shir0

    Oooh nice new look! (Kei wins) I admit shoya with long hair is unusal but it suits him with the leather strap in the face, reminds me of L's good bye...GODDESS look
  5. Shir0

  6. DEPRAVITY's preview goes like... 10sec? Nevertheless a strooong single!! can't wait :DD
  7. Shir0

    Uuurgh why doesn't Germany have cool VK Bands attending their Anime cons
  8. I'll miss this crazy looking dude I wished someone could translate his message
  9. same hah I woudln't say 'everything' tho but almost The usual stuff I listent to when having a depressing day, on period + making myself even more depressed are either AvelCain (especially Jiseki), MBHI's gray forest and Lycaon's Anemone or more aggressive songs from for example DEZERT or D.I.D JamesR pretty much sumed it up for me why I've to say Diru Ballads, 9GB and Tenten always help me to get thru a difficult day and bands like DoF and Chanty always cheer me up after I'm done with a depressing playlist lol
  10. Abyss gatE sounds decent
  11. [2] awesome song choice love all 3
  12. Shir0

    That sucks [2] :/
  13. ^ wish we could watch it nnow
  14. could people stop with their "goodbye lycaon.." posts? such a depressing day

  15. Shir0

  16. Shir0

    That moment when you switch from bed to living room because you keep hearing things & can't sleep but it still just-won't-STOP! fml I'm tired
  17. Shir0

    they're so good they're SO GOOD Like the coverart with the girl now waiting for karmaaa
  18. Shir0

    blackdoll without a doll as ava feels strange
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