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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Sooo much perfection on one picture
  2. Shir0

    YEEES Awesome new look!
  3. same here! I'm always excited for new Dof stuff
  4. niiiicee~ waiting for previews :DD
  5. The fuck? I thought it was a session band only [2]
  6. This look is so much better than their previous one imo
  7. Shir0

    ^This, #1 3-man live I'd love to see uuugh
  8. So we all agree on firing the person who's responsible for MiA's outfit? But oh myyyyy.. Koichis outfit goals
  9. Noo Unripe Ideal is not on the track list well at least Dedicate Can't waaaait & their new look is great
  10. weird.. but nice something about the PV bugs me but I'm sure it would have been very good with better recording quality
  11. loool ok good I was already worried about BORN for a sec
  12. Shir0

    the live version of Reborn again sounds interesting & solid preview
  13. the names tho haha but that's cool andy on vocals & jojo on guitar sounds interesting
  14. loool this reminds me so much of Kira's drawings on Twitter
  15. and there I thought we're gonna get some previews damn it cool pics tho
  16. Shir0

    foool it's not a competition haha & noo I like ur animetized Elazmus drawing don't burn it
  17. Shir0

    a preeetty (foolish) friend @Elazmus hah
  18. Nailed it. This is their best cover art tbh! qualia was Ok imo but I hope for more from PARANOIA
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