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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Shir0

    dropped my phone this morning (1st time) - cracks all over the screen phone fell out of my jacket pocket when leaving school ( 2nd time) - front camera damaged closed the car door with force while my jacket (obv with my phone in the pocket) was still half outside (3rd time)- phone is bent injured my knee & couldn't go to the gym best friend got sick & couldn't come over -> literally spent the day laying on the ground thinking about how I'll fail tomorrows exam cuz ofc school stress became a daily thing
  2. Nice previews! their 2nd Single was great imo, looking forward to their 1st mini
  3. mad day Sick rain sounds siiiick excited for the full version!
  4. Yes! I was already wondering when they'll stop with the demos also great line-up but 現衣装LAST LIVE? do I need to be worried?
  5. Haha I wouldn't say that it's just I really didn't hear anything similar to Karma in this spot it was more out of curiosity like if it reminded you of a special part of a AC song and I agree with Elazmus's point of view but I know where you're coming from
  6. LOL where do you get the Karma vibes? I do agree about the deep voice tho I also expected something different?
  7. woooah T_T & Takashi looking as pretty as always on the poster
  8. I quite like their close-ups but their first look was better imo
  9. Shir0

  10. Shir0

    Hello there! looking for the lyrics of MOON's single: 月-MOON- 影(Kage) 夜光虫(Yakouchuu) Thanks in advance
  11. Shir0

    A relationship like Karma & Seiko Thanks for the link! That was fairly interesting and showed me just how much I love this Band! I want to watch this movie so bad, Karma playing Karma just.. happier lol and I loved this one comment of Zen about Lycaon YES YES YES DO IT FERNI they're so amazing
  12. Agreed! this sounds even better than shiiku
  13. ^SAAAAAAAAAAAME somehow I miss them a lot I need more AvelCain D:
  14. Lool and there I thought something BIG happened This!
  15. loool ^Seimeising doing a pretty good job here they should recruit you hah
  16. ^ mte! still, wish him good luck
  17. WOW and I thought PP's cover art would be hard to.."top" oh my, I can't belive all of them agreed to this wtf
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