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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. better than their digital singles the Link doesn't work for me
  2. Was on my way to the hair dresser when suddenly everyone had to leave the train due to emergency reasons (Somebody apparently threw himself in front of the train or whatsoever) there won't come another one & now I'm stuck somewhere in nowhere & missed my fucking appointment I've been waiting for 2 months now..yeah, I sure am lucky today

    1. Shir0


      Yeah I finally made it home somehow lol

      thanks :)

    2. kyoselflove


      Someone committed suicide and you're worried about your hair? ;____;

    3. beni


      Glad you're safe and well. Take care of yourself please.

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  3. Shir0

    but the length is getting annyoing and looks boring I can't tease them the way I like anymore (not like I'm good at it anyway) lol
  4. Shir0

    3 more days until I get my hair cut & can finally fully see again lol
  5. My boss called himself a hipster.. *head shot*

    1. Tetora


      Start wearing Fedoras and carrying vinyl around, a promotion shall surely come.

  6. Shir0

    Amazing Eye Makeup! I just realized this now I thought they painted his eyelids but these are really contact lenses? WHERE CAN I GET THEM??
  7. Shir0

    I'm most looking forward to the first half of the songs
  8. Yeees Naru is back!! this makes me so happy
  9. Awwwh LEN & his rescue kitten adorbale! I wished I could have watched it
  10. Shir0

    Dude in the middle reminds me of MiA's 420 look The preview of Jealousy & rasen weren't bad but I doubt that I'll ever hear the full versions
  11. Oh my D: I hope he'll recover from it soon, he needs a lot of support & help now tbh I don't get why they had to announce the suicide thing due to family reasons I mean this is a very privat thing.. anyway I wish him the best of luck for things to get better again
  12. OOOH I like Tzk's new hair & make up & I neeeed Meto's mask <3
  13. "hope to see you guys soon" world tour pleassseeee?
  14. Shir0

    I wish we had a proper rip of AvelCain's beni
  15. Shir0

  16. I like the new band pic & Yeees new xaa-xaa songs
  17. Shir0

    Sounds like a band worth checking out :DDD
  18. I agree. I was also expecting to hear from Otogi again but I'm still looking forward to them
  19. Shir0

    I want to know what they sound liiiike ):
  20. Uuurgh MALISEND is so good I hope he get's well soon
  21. Shir0

    Lobelia is such a good song I wished we had GARDEN too
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