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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. ^ my thoughts exactly urgh I need more from MALISEND (
  2. well that's true but it's still not the same I mean 『×月×日、×××××』 is still more or less .. structured? you don't hear a sudden cut off compared to beni which sounds the same as when they show parts of their lives via Vine videos 1:13 to 1:14 being a very good example although it could be that they did this on purpose.. I hope it's not
  3. sounds like he swallowed the fish.. gonna listen to this one now on repeat lol I swear you guys scared me with the comments I was suddenly expecting something terrible but it wasn't all that bad uhm.. but the first song is not the full version right? it sounds like it was cut here and there
  4. Shir0

    Is this rea- ...Okay, I'm not okay *looks at Karma* no, definitely NOT okay!
  5. an app with their music?? okay cool I'll check this out 1:48 Hahahahaha ..da fuq?
  6. Already like BLACK ALICE & REBEL-β!
  7. lol being an optimistic fool & say "yes" but it's not an "of course" idk it makes it sound like "of course, it's only natural for romantic love to exist" but it's.. not? it's more of simple "yes I think it exists BUT it's a VERY uncommon & rare kind of love" to me
    1. yakihiko


      Me too XDD

      I want to know how far ppl will go to the sea to find Pokemons without being Magikarps.

    2. Shir0
    3. yakihiko


      I hope they won't challenge me to get my beloved water pokemons, same for flying rarez :)

  8. Shir0

    @Seiji awesome hair color!
  9. Shir0

    I'm in love with the chorus!
  10. Shir0

    I didn't try the beer there tbh XD my brother drunk it and laughed so I figured I shouldn't even dare to try it lol beside that I'm not THAT much of beer fan anyway but now that Nagisa mentioned it, I agree about the fruit thing. 2 weeks without cheap fuit were okay with me but I'm sure I'd have missed it after a while So we're also gonna talk about what we miss from Japan too? I AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I want to eat at T's TanTan again ;( And I fucking miss Harajuku with its weird looking people, the fact that no one really cared how I looked, how easy it was to get your hands on VK stuff, going shopping in Takeshita, how easy everything suddenly was with a Suica and oh god I even miss the music in the back before the train left whenever I'm in the munich railway station I feel like something is missing lol
  11. Shir0

    damn, that pic.. but sad news :/
  12. Shir0

    ^This. It sounds wonderful tho! I'm looking forward to the full versions
  13. Shir0

    tbh I didn't miss anything from home except of my own bed in the first week. I know everything there is smaller it wasn't necessary uncomfortable but unsual for European conditions but I got used it in the second week
  14. visual_jrock's twitter says new look but I don't see any difference to there former one
  15. Shir0

    @Aferni first guy who gets the real meaninglol. You're Smart Aferni now RUN before I get you! Jk though this time I'm serious you didn't say anything wrong XD
  17. Uurgh this sounds aweful wish him the best for the future Opening an official Twitter although they intend to disband? Did they changed their mind?
  18. Shir0

    Nothing, everything is fine haha
  19. Shir0

    ^ going to ignore this for now because I can not ignore this post lol Looool rather than he doesn't put any effort into it looks more like he can't do the hairstyles you're probable looking for If you followed him you should have noticed how often he changed his hair color in a short period of time beside that before the brown hair he was platinum blond ofc doing all of this would damage his hair. His current hair color + the short hair cut looks more like a solution to me to let it 'rest' a bit (which do many people) stiiiilllll he manages to make it look gorgeous<333 the evidence below: Here's a Tweet of when he wanted to go back to blond which is not easy to keep when you're natural dark haired this goes without saying I know pleeenty of people (including myself) who go back to brown/black hair because the hair gets thinner and thinner and starting to bleach your hair AGAIN is very exhausting another tweet, I know the struggle of wanting a hair color back which is so hard to keep urgh So yeah to think Yuuki want's to be "free" from VKor that he doesn't put any effort into it is nonesense #sorrybutnotsorry NOW I'm gonna follow Afernis 'advice' lol
  20. Shir0

    Yeeah I know what you mean now that I'm about to start my internship I've put all my contact lenses, glitter stuff, wigs, etc. into a corner and .. ...this is what I fear the most now lol Naah from what I've seen I think you still rock it
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