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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. wtf did I just watch? hahaha the part were they started fighting is hilarious
  2. Shir0

    Make up result after listening to Dead Childrens' Haunted Vox I expected myself to do something heavier..never thought these songs would make me choose something ''light" Thanks to Elazmus for helping me choose the pic :]
  3. Shir0

    None exotic: Huuuusky <3 Exotic: chameleon, iguana, black panther, jaguar tbh too many to name lol
  4. 吐く息白い静かなに抜け出した アズファルトは冷えきったままで どうして笑っているの? この世界はおかしいよ 耳を塞ぎたくなるの 何も聞きたくない 「終わり」に向かう階段を見つけました 何ーつ信じられない枯れた世界で 冷たい風と後の波悔に揺れてる うつむいたままの僕は歩く このまま空を目指して 本当の「自由」へ行こう 耐えきれない世間の目 全て忘れたくて 「終わり」に向かう階段を上りましょう 「苦しみ」と別れを告げたくて 何も生まれはしない無意味な時代 手を差し伸べて欲しかった あなたに もう何もいらない もう誰もいらない この手で「終わり」の鐘を鳴らしに行くよ 「終わり」に向かう階段を見つけました 何ーつ信じられない 「終わり」に向かう階段を上りましょう 何ーつ伝えられない この想い もう何もいらない もう誰もいらない この手で「終わり」の鐘を鳴らすから 見上げた階段 行き着く先は「御別れ」 吐く息白い静かな抜にけ出した この世界は冷えきったままで
  5. ^ me too as well as my head bursting open call a doctor and I hate sunday :/
  6. 憂鬱を飲み込んだ 私はただ 目眩と鬱 不協和音の毎日は幻想 耳鳴りの渦.. 「永遠」は過去の夢 サヨナラさえ 不碓かな現実 愛されたあの日々を忘れましょう 苦しいよ...ねぇ? 現実逃避 繰り返す あんたの事を愛してる 夢の中であなたを -映し出す- 「サヨナラ」口ずさむメロディ 忘れさせてラプンディー あなたしか知らない 「私」はもういないの... 現実逃避 繰り返す あんたの事を愛してる 夢の中であなたを 映し出す 映し出す 現実逃避 繰り返す あんたの事を愛してる あなただけあなただけ -ウツシダス- 「サヨナラ」口ずさむ度に 涙止められないいの あなたしかいらない 私おねぇ 愛して? もうー度夢を見させてよ サヨナラじゃない 会いたい 依存させてよでっと 私はねぇ ここだよ? 私はもう 消えるね... 求めすぎた代償が 私を独りにさせました あなたのいない「入生」に 何も望みがないんです 「サヨナラ」
  7. I...Oh god what is going on here someone explain this shit by all means he definitely should I'd be crying if he was not trying *already crying tho*
  8. Shir0

    Ryoga looking gorgeous like always <333
  9. back at home & already want to go back. Someone take me to Japan :(((

  10. back at home & already want to go back. Someone take me to Japan :(((

    1. yakihiko


      Next time, go to pokemon center instead of sleep :)

    2. Shir0


      but I was fucking tired DD: haha but yeah next time pikachu > sleep

    3. yakihiko


      I know, you aren't a zombi xD

      Jet lag is cruel

  11. Shir0

    I do like my future sister-in-law but to hear her talking like a 5 year old kid, baby language as if she's working in a maid café and being a stupid lovey-dovey couple with my brother creeps me out and kind of aggresive? God I think I'm gonna vomit
  12. Shir0

    Idk where it comes from but I feel such an desire of getting a triple forward helix for quite some time It doesn't even let sleep now???
  13. LOOOL so they were talking about this ha.ha...Well I'm excited for them like alread mentioned before they deserve so much more!
  14. AvelCain vs. Sibilebashir was amazing!! so much that confused me but also so much I loved at the same time

    1. Elazmus


      should have brought me!

    2. Shir0


      You should have come!!! But you would have pumped your head in there it was SO small my brother felt like he was being watched by Karma in the beginning because he looked so freaking tall in there lmao (he didn't even stay till sibile, would have been better if a person who appericates them came with me urgh)

    3. yakihiko


      We would looks like light pole with the minions japanese girls fans xD

    4. Show next comments  126 more
  15. Shir0

    (Kazuki walking through the streets -> me the past days when walking in Tokyo's summer heat) Very much like the MV! & I feel so obsessed with them lately idk how often I already listened to kowai kurai & doshaburi no kanojo because I can't wait for their next mini
  16. niiiice I'm really fond of their PVs looks like this is going to be another good one
  17. Urgh I really have mixed feelings about this but as long as they don't end up disbanding I'm okay with it
  18. Shir0

    I gotta say I really like the beginning of REMINISCENCE but the preview overall just get's an 'okay' from me (idk why but in my first listen the second half reminded me of Pentagon Escapism Jewelry was not my thing but I think I'll keep an eye on these guys
  19. Tbh my interested in them has decreased since their past few releases but I'm always ready to give them a listen, please let qualia be better v_v
  20. Looking forward to getting the digital version [2]
  21. Shir0

    Shigeshou <3 But was this just for tour dates?
  22. Shir0

    WOW Again? -.- stop it BORN.. I'm still mad that their EU tour DVD was live limited
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