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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. These Geisha outfits looking fab af !!
  2. Shir0

    ^ for real, why?? all the pictures are gone now )):
  3. FTW Chiaki and SaZ joining the crowd XD god damn this live looks awesome
  4. That would be so awesome thanks for the information!
  5. Shir0

    Okay... cool.
  6. Shir0

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! glad to see you here & Welcome dear~
  7. This make up looks so fab I can hardly hold myself back to try it out now BUT THIS IS NOT EVEN IMPORTANT NOW, NEEEW MEJIBRAY STUFF YEES I very much appericate SECRET No.03 for being there to make me smile (not even assuming that it might be dissapointing because I fucking loved eiki) before two days later Lycaon will break my heart :''))
  8. Yeah I hope KIDS WAR will be on their next release it sounds too good not to do so
  9. Damn I'd love to hear the studio version of KIDS WAR
  10. Ice being manly as ever even as lolita lol, love it.
  11. Shir0

    Akane x TenTen <3333 *dies*
  12. Shir0

    Yeees finally! I've been curious for quite a while about how they might sound like after I found them on Twitter tbh I expected something different.. something more exciting but overall not bad
  13. LycaonxAvelCain chekis/tweets are killing me

  14. Yeeees! &I never had a closer look at L's outfit it looks terrific!
  15. same her. It feels like.. how shall I put it? this song takes long to gradually build up but neverthelss the chorus is pretty damn good
  16. Shir0

    YEEEEES *-* B.A.L.U.S was amazing! Can't wait for this one
  17. Shir0

    Awwh I actually quite liked them but as already mentioned not surprising
  18. Shir0

    Too far awaaay D; lmao yeah I noticed it XD and awwh YEEES let's take a picture together (when I might be able to come) next year! <3 :DD awh D: yeah that might be true XD love them tho *~* and you're welcome ;D
  19. Shir0

    OMG you wore this on the Japanday *__* ??? damn it I should have come too then just to see it myself lol so fabulous! pleeease give me your high heels D;
  20. this painful feeling of knowing you're there at that time but no money to go to their live... get me the ticket for their live at Shinjuku LOFT and I'll happly purchase it!!!!
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