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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Shir0

    Fixer - PARADOX

    Fixer - PARADOX (3rd single) TYPE A 1.White and Black(prologue) 2.PARADOX 3.Libido ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TYPE B 1.White and Black(prologue) 2.PARADOX 3.Verity Fixer OHP
  2. TYPE A ??CD】 1.嗚咽 2.??ジレル 3.REAPER MIMIC 4.??色??森 5.凶??世界 6.目覚??る2分?? ??PV】 嗚咽 ーーーーーーー TYPE B ??CD】 1.嗚咽 2.??ジレル 3.REAPER MIMIC 4.??色??森 5.凶??世界 6.目覚??る2分?? ??PV】 凶??世界
  3. listened to Camera Obscura after getting brainwashed from math lesson thanks Lycaon for bringing me back to my sense
  4. the RAGE when you want to watch a Preview, PV, etc. on YT and then there's... this https://lmuerasmus.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/screen-shot-2014-07-03-at-11-11-35-am.png?w=450&h=278 _| ̄|○ fml

    1. Tetora


      Hm, why not if it is still available in some country?

    2. lichtlune


      Sorry about that :/

    3. Show next comments  150 more
  5. ^ I agree lol it would be THE perfect OP for an Mango-Anime
  6. Shir0

    well that would explain it, I was wondering to whom Karma was referring to? but it seems they already made up (in case there was really a rivalry going on between them) or just pretend 'everything is okay'? and 5 days later Ryuka went to see AvelCain live in Ebisu https://twitter.com/Official_Ryuka/status/571638654830964737
  7. Shir0

    ^ Thanks! 折り紙 Translation credit:TOMOY The paper crane in which an heart was put inside, reaches the feelings of someone Is the power of the words of a song, in which an heart was put inside, reaching the feelings of someone as well?Are the feelings being returned?* Crossing paths without meeting, in a roundabout way, it seems to become late But one day, the overflowing kindness, will fill the heart The paper crane flap its wings and draws with a dream color If it’s covered by sadness, the wounds and the wings would be healed Only with that, another someone will be able to flap wings again I want to believe it The feeling which keeps reviving and draws with a dream color, let it reach you The paper crane in which an heart was put inside, reaches the feelings of someone Is the power of the words of a song, in which an heart was put inside, reaching the feelings of someone as well?The feelings are being returned? Because of the way of feeling and of the way of expressing, it seems to become a wall But one day, thanks to the overflowing kindness, our hearts will be able to forgive each other 『The darkness of hope』 Power of words -Thank you- , now I can sing it With a voice which was saved by the paper crane of someone The paper crane flap its wings and draws with a dream color If it’s covered by sadness, the wounds and the wings would be healed Only with that, another someone will be able to flap wings again I want to believe it The feeling which keeps reviving and draws with a dream color, let it reach you Let it draw and reach you
  8. ^my thoughts exactly! it would be awesome if they acutally released a PV collection DVD but I only saw 3 PV SPOT's (the one above included) so far this is probable not enough for a PV's-DVD yet anyway I'm very excited for Omajinai *-*
  9. And I thought my excitment already reached its limit THIS IS UNBEARABLE I need MIMIC NOOOOOOOW DDDDDD::: WE ALL NEED OETSU!!
  10. Shir0

    I actually enjoyed the MV it sounds not bad but this doesn't make me press the repeat button I'll still keep an eye on them tho to see if this changes I like their look but 'new'? there's almost no change except that the hat of their guitarist was taken, genki's bandage was wraped around his head a few more times and each of them is wearing only one of these white contact lenses (which is actually a good idea, why not?)
  11. Good morning, MOTHER fxxker ~♪ ♫ 2 hours left till the entrance exam and I'm nervous af! ..Fatal Error Race would be nice now, hurry D.I.D!

    1. Aferni


      Good luck Shir0!

    2. Elazmus


      entrance exams? hard - finishing FER? Impossible

    3. beni


      Good luck, sweetie!

  12. Awesome! it looks promising seems like the 1st of April is going to be the complete opposite of the 6th of November..
  13. Shir0

    I remember when VK was still new to me and I searched on YT for Bands I might like. I loved them in the very first moment! after some weeks I heard about their EU tour, several minutes later I found myself ordering two tickets without the confirmation of my parents, without having a second person to go with, no plan, nothing but I just couldn't miss this chance I mean IT IS Lycaon HOW COULD I NOT GO?? although it was a huge mess (came up with several plans, how should I get there? should I tell my parents or not? looking for someone who would go with me etc.) but I don't regret it in the slightest no matter how stressed these weeks were.. god damn I would do it again! I got to know many new people who share the same interest, gained new experience it was such an unforgettable night, Lycaon is Indeed LOVE This is still pretty shocking tho...
  14. @Elazmus I know right *-* FUCK YEAH! that's what I needed now, it's gonna be so good can't wait for full PV Haiiro no mori sounds beautiful it makes me feel like spring already started<3 Yes I heard it and I agree it's better than the original I never paied much attention to KPP but I would like it if he were to do more covers of her work like Fashion Monster
  15. shittiest news of the year True, it would be sad to only think about their disbandment in their last (I can't belive this sentence includes the word 'last') months as Lycaon but there's always this thought lingering in my head that after 8 months I won't be able to see moments like this again
  16. yeah previews would be nice now
  17. OH Yes! Yes! Yes! *^* But I don't see MY HEAD BURSTING OPEN CALL A DOCTOR?.. WHERE IS IT?! D:
  18. DIAWOLF seems interesting (: I think the message behind Rebellion is cool, a good idea but the song was well not bad.. let's see but hell yeah Phoenix! *-* glad to hear something new from them again!!
  19. I'm SO ready to hear something new by them *-* April is going to be awesome!! good they already found a supporter, hope Zen get's well soon D:
  20. just came online and this is the first thing I read... great! -.- I was not prepared for this to happen D:
  21. Shir0

    Awesome! another release which makes april worth looking forward to, best month of the year for me and I love their new look
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