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Everything posted by Shir0

  1. Ha.. Went with my brother to Takeshita-d?ri and suddenly found him with a VK-like Jacket in the hand. Never expected him to enter a store like this without me dragging him into one lool gonna try to turn him Visual now >:)

    1. yakihiko


      VK family coming :)

    2. Takadanobabaalien
    3. Shir0


      LMAO @peace heavy & @ Uglymouth his girlfriend won't approve

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  2. Shir0

    Sounds quite good, looking forward to it
  3. ??よ??らドイツ. Japan, here we go!

    1. plastic_rainbow


      Have a safe trip! :DD

    2. WhirlingBlack


      What lives are you going to? Maybe we are attending some of the same.

    3. yakihiko


      Have a good and safe trip :)

      Buy all candies \o/

  4. Shir0

    ^ all this, can't add anything else to it <3
  5. Niiice! and the spilt single sounds so good D:
  6. I'm already impressed!! Damn, I don't want to wait any longer D:
  7. Shir0

    this moment when mom approves of your way of dressing without her noticing and unintentionally brings clothes which fits your style...YEEES<33
  8. Shir0

    ONLY ONE? That's cruel DD: Okay Meji-.. MY BACTE-...? Dir-! ALAPQIDXELA *overasked* it's decided, going with ma lovely psychos -> AvelCain feels like this decision took me hours lol (probable going to change my mind again :'))... And again)
  9. Shir0

    ^ Group is complete [[[:
  10. Shir0

    ^ obviously Hahahaha (but tbh not only ME but yakihiko & Elazmus too lol)
  11. Shir0

    Trying to explain to my brother what VK is (as harmless as possible) so he won't feel the need to come with me to the concert urgh... Hopefully this concert will kill me before he does
  12. 8 Physical Touch 8 Quality Time 7 Words of Affirmation 6 Acts of Service 1 Reserving Gifts ^ accurate lol
  13. Shir0

    LMAO Exactly my reaction ^ I WANT TO GO TOO DDD:
  14. Shir0

    ^ Agreed! they're really starting to grow on me I didn't dislike any song by them yet
  15. is it just me or does the vocalist kind of.. resembles MiA? anyway nice look!
  16. tbh after this 3-4 sec pause in the middle expected something heavy to come but this MV Spot looks good
  17. After the MV SPOT this song gives me an even more wonderful and stronger vibe (has a thing for rain<3)
  18. Shir0

    paedophilia - that song title with this hatsune miku-like voice in the background lol anyway preview sounds decent
  19. Shir0

    LOOL but yeah although this is unfortunate due to the fact that at least their equipment was not stolen, it ended more or less 'good'.
  20. Kazuki > Hyo but yeees overall it looks cool
  21. Shir0

    Omg I love how this is not just a lyric video but a lyric-live-PV lol
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