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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    Only a couple more days until I can vanish completely. <3
  2. Mamireta is the band who copied some of DEZERT's homework and didn't get caught lmao

    1. Elazmus


      Everyone copied DEZERT's homework and no one got caught

    2. Axius


      Well bands have to start somewhere. lol

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I'd let Batsu steal my term paper

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  3. I blast SAVAGE in traffic, I am not sorry.

    1. Mamo


      You shouldn't be lol

    2. lichtlune


      That's savage! :tw_grin:

    3. VkBrutaliaN


      i always blast my music loud cuz everyone should have the pleasure to listen to great music! no matter if at home or in public! ;D

  4. ドロドロ is definitely better than 『安藤のおセンチ(秘)』. 内緒 is sublime. I have a feeling i'm gonna love their maxi-single

    1. VkBrutaliaN


      wait what?! you asked me if its heavier than their first one and i think you heard that its like exactly equal but still you like their new one more (i loved both anyways) but what!!? XD

    2. Aferni


      It is kinda heavier than their first single, but yeah i like this better than their first single but that's not to say i don't like it. just not as much as ドロドロ. It caught my attention on first my listen, i cant wait for them to release more stuff.

    3. VkBrutaliaN


      well than happy you can surely say you like them now and welcome on board of the fandom! ;D

  5. Aferni

    That was so cute, they look so happy. Shame that Grieva is disbanding </3
  6. This is gonna slap, SAVAGE has not disappointed me yet.
  7. Can't wait for Yuuki to release Kikoku, I've had it on repeat non-stop. That chorus is mystifying.

  8. Aferni

    Is ドロドロ heavier than their first single? Cause the sound of their first single wasn't as heavy as I expected.
  9. So Tohma is playing with Yuuki? Cool i guess, lmao are we gonna see him and akane preform next? this is the second ex-D.I.D. member to play with Yuuki
  10. Now THIS is what DOAK should've sounded like, this is really fucking good.
  11. bandman brand nipple glue gun

  12. Aferni

    I miss them omg. I wonder if they'll play I Feel Blue.
  13. Aferni

    気が付けば大きな籠で僕らは息をして彷徨って (Cut off) 何故だろう?君は笑うか?怯えて震える姿を (タナトス) 僕らは頭に銃を空っぽの世界に今何を見る? 魂も感情も無くした顔で歩み続ければいいの? どれだけ叫んだとしても 雑音に埋もれて消えてゆく (Cut off) 拒んだ明日の光を 7つ数えて楽になろう I’m still not dead.Give over (タナトス) 僕らは首に刃を縋り付いた姿に何を聴く [今]だって気付けばもう[過去]になり、 また一つ重ねる夢 両手で目を隠した 揺れる水面に映った死んだ目をした少年の 悲しそうな声がまた呼吸を忘れさせるの 窒息した僕らの歌は届かないの?だから聴かせて I’m still not dead.Give over (タナトス) 両手を空に掲げ 両手を無くした人はどうやって祈ればいい? 苦しみ踊った僕は未来に希望なんて無い
  14. @suji  have you listened to  アンドゥー yet?

    1. suji


      yeah, they're pretty good i guess

    2. The Moon

      The Moon

      no i have not x 

  15. Disallow sympathy... 誰かが付けたそのFilterが邪魔するんだね 綺麗によう? 壊される?嫌いじゃないでしょ?体温が示してる落ちきらないBLEUの香りで夢にまで会いに行くから 次第に熟れるピンクの果実 蜜が出るまで見ててあけるから Block up the hole. ほらほらほら自然と身体浮いてくるでしょう 逝く逝く逝くもうじき僕は召し上がるでじょう 誰でもいい。裏腹なんだね。袖の染みに気付く カフェインの摂り過ぎ!眠れない。「部屋を汚したのは誰?」 腐りかけてる育てた果実 部屋一面に香る婦女子の醜態 ねぇ、着飾ってるこの姿、素敵でしょ? さぁ顔をあけて時間が無いから きっとキミは不感症なんだね ああ蝕む事は許せないのか? Shouts of joy burst forth. They laugh in raised voices. Block up the hole.
  16. Aferni

    Outou No Susume. It's cancellation was due to Kira being in the live video and since he left\announced his leaving shortly before it was cancelled due to them I guess not wanting anything to do with him/Splitting whatever monies came to them from said dvd with Kira since he was leaving. Or atleast that's my guess. It's a shame too because the trailer was crazy amazing and now it's gone from their channel. I wish I would've dl'ed it.
  17. Aferni

    THE BLACK SWAN have a bunch of unreleased SE that after their first few lives, they stopped playing all together.And a song that they've been playing for a long time now called XXX In The Box. Seeing how they are on the verge of disbandment, I honestly don't see these tracks being released. XXX IN THE BOX 不思議な何かの時間 (Fushigi na Nani ka no Jikan ) 命灯 (Meitou) Hollow Trip 黒鳥の湖 (Kokuchou no Mizuumi)
  18. I miss the fuzzy feeling you used to give me when you said you loved me. That was already Long ago though, time is so quick. I hope you're doing well.

  19. Aferni

    Why without Kuro though? His composing and Mei's voice are bread and butter.
  20. Aferni

    Gonorrhea Gorgonzola, Gonorrhea Gorgonzola, Single Files of Clean feedings.
  21. Batsu lmao. Putting on a bangya's fur coat.

    1. patientZERO


      I love that guy. His stage hijinks are great.

  22. @Kiryu999 I found it on auction https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/o220365936
  23. Undeux sound pretty cool, vocalist could use better harsh vocals though. I expected them to be way heavier but I'm gonna say fuck it and put on my stanning cap.

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