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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

  2. Throw me off of a plane with Mamireta rarez taped to my ass. 

    1. platy


      I'm having dejá-vu

  3. Aferni

    Time to listen to ピンクマリオネット for 7 more hours. Over and over again until my neighbors memorize it.

    1. Alsdead14


      + 1 million. It would be nice to have new music by them too!

      Btw, why did they disband in the first place? And what happened to the members?

    2. Axius


      Only answer i could find

    3. Himeaimichu


      The day Memento Mori revives, mang

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  5. Aferni

    SAVAGE - Pink Marrionette & Tokumei San No Kubi Wa always get me. I love turning these up in the car and jamming as much as possible.
  6. Aferni

    Throw me off a building with mamireta rarez taped to my ass
  7. I'm worth like a Dollar Fifty and a half eaten slice of pizza.

  8. Aferni

    I really wanna know who told them this was okay
  9. Aferni

    Uhh...this seems kinda fake, but the way Mia went over to Tsuzuku made me feel some type of way. Hnnng my heart
  10. Im on the fence about this one, still will give the release a listen though. can I have erotic yuuki back please?
  11. Ya drank with demons straight from hell, they almost nearly won as well, you wiped the floor with victory then puked until you fell asleep. 

  12. Aferni

    It started off cool but it's a bit too much autotune for me, i'll still here for it though.
  13. Happy Birthday <3

    1. CAT5


      Aferni-kun, thank you! :D 

  14. Welll uhhhhhhhhhhh DISPINA's official twitter is gone. Lmao wtf, farewell to BLOOM ig
  15. Riku flakes on Undeux, Tobiori-Kun is Actually Jigsaw Who is Actually Dispina, Noulla Releases a single called Ne Ne after Mamirtea drop's Shiin:Mushi. SAVAGE snatches more wigs, Lmao. Vk is fun stuff

  16. Or their Depain esque songs, I'd kill for them to re-record Margaret. or Tsumi to Uso since they preform it once every Blue Moon.
  17. Aferni

    LOL that cover just made me chuckle, but I can't wait for this. They need to quit playing though and release HAPPY, LOVELY, GROLY.
  18. Seriously....I was really looking forward to this release. Damnit Riku. Also Lmao at this asshat for ordering a Pizza through the band LINE chat..I wonder though does anyone else find it suspicious that he was the only member without a blog OR a twitter...hmm isn't he the leader of the band too?
  19. Aferni

    I hope Hinata gets well with time. for those who don't know what Acute chorditis is the inflammation of vocal cords (vocal folds) usually as a result of voice abuse. Both conditions could require long time medical care.
  20. BEST PV and them playing Dramatic Koigokoro at the beginning mnph. I love this song too, it's weird but I love it.
  21. FUCK this look is primo. God I love SAVAGE, fuck me up Ryuukaaa
  22. It even looks like Hiduki....Until confirmed otherwise i'm gonna say it's him.
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