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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. need them llll-ligro- rarez



    1. suji


      we all need sum



  2. Aferni

    currently awaiting my copy of ジグシウ - 痣 Can't wait
  3. Im almost done collecting those jigsaw consecutive date releases, all of the covers are pieces to a puzzle which is cool. Lmao how original 

  4. Aferni

    Also if anyone could help out with this that'd amazing ! @mskritou0131 Has it but i haven't spoken to her. Maybe one of y'all can convince her
  5. Aferni

    I just messaged the ex bassist Hao on twitter and asked him to please post basket case....fingers crossed. Although i'm sure he probably wont even read it. I'll keep trying tho lol
  6. Hope yall liek jigsaw 

    1. Jigsaw9


      awww thank u

  7.  remind me to upload shoujo type b  later lol

  8. Aferni

  9. Also they released a live dust single 2 days ago called Dear... 【明日のライブ】 SAVAGE ONEMAN TOUR 【毒針2】TOUR FINAL 会場:新宿LOFT open/start 17:00/17:30 ※ご来場者様に会場限定音源【Dear…】をプレゼント! いよいよツアーファイナル!皆様のご来場お待ちしております!(*☻-☻*)
  10. Aferni

    Ok..so wtf is this Rands..cause if it is, i hope they dont pull a fucking jigsaw and be like uh yeah we are actually tobiori but actually jigsaw who is secretly Dispina
  11. Aferni

    It was already enough that we lost hinata..now Jey. Yeah I'm very angry rn
  12. Two Jigsaw releases down, four more to go. SEAMLESS SUICIDE doesn't seem heavier than ブリキのオモチャ, judging from the previews.

  13. I mean they're just dispina, theres nothing bad about it tbh. 少女 type is really good. I haven't heard ブリキのおもちゃ yet because it has yet to arrive, but bottom line is they're cool ig.
  14. https://mobile.twitter.com/jigsaw_offi/status/1041879131695149056/video/1 I only need to find Seamless Suicide and Aza now.
  15. Aferni

    ジグソウ -「少女TYPE」会場限定CD
  16. Aferni

    K E E P. Y O U R ASS. W R A P P E D - 私です 2018
  17. Finally bought Shojou type B. Can't wait until it arrives

  18. Aferni

    Time to blast this on the way to work, I haven't hated a gallo song yet. I also love Jojo's look omg
  19. Non Stick

    1. nekkichi


      To stick, or not to stick, that is the question:


      Whether it is nobler for the ass to suffer.

  20. Aferni

    "keep your ass wrapped in non-stick coating."
  21. SAVAGE 2nd MINI ALBUM 【解剖フィルム】(Kaibou Film) 発売日:2018年10月24日(水) 品番:SVG-0013S 仕様:6SONGS+1INSTRUMENTAL 価格:¥2.700(税込み) 発売元:Reverse Cross Music 販売元:株式会社ライカロリーポップ 収録曲 1.Caress 2.紅色 (Koshoku) 3.失格ストロベリー (Shikkaku Strawberry) 4.メビウス (Mebiusu) 5.裏切りの錯乱バニー (Uragiro no sakuran bani) 6.オーバーキル (Obakiru) 7.鍵 (Kagi)
  22. i cannot find llll-Ligro-'s basket case anywhere like omg please post it on auction

  23. Geomatrium shall release their second album at their live on 09.16.2018 【発売情報】 『Zahnrad』 1 Orbit. 2 隔離的bedroom 3 C[luck] in the ark 4 Acid glass rain 5 砂上船 6 アルカナとアガルタ 7 Naked king 8 墓標に想 9 The spell engraved in Ivory 10 滅びの詩片 9/16(日) 浦和Narciss 『轟音のヴィーナス-Geomatriumレコ発TOUR【Art of minority】-』 OPEN 16:00 /START 16:30 ADV.¥3200 DAY.¥3700
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