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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    hmmmmmn i WONDER why that is
  2. Aferni

    LMAO my shift manager walked in on me practicing Jigsaw furi in the staff restroom. Time to put in my 2 weeks notice LOL
  3. Remember MBHI... Yeah me too..TAIRA IM MAD AT U RN

  4. Aferni

    The one where kisaki took pics of him passed out drunk?
  5. Aferni

    Like i said earlier, he's a pos. These multiple allegations and photos are just absolutely disgusting and deplorable. On top of all the other stuff he's added to his list, pedophillia is a automatic NO. As a wise philosopher once said "Fuck Kisaki, That old bitch."
  6. Aferni

    We never got to hear XXX IN THE BOX. Or the mountain of -SE- tracks they had towards their early days.
  7. Aferni

    YASSS, THANK YOU FOR THAT INFO SUJI ❤️ The Queen is still blessedt Also i noticed that Itsuki and Makoto rt Jins announcement whilst rena and len did not. I believe that they may be involved with it and im hyped because they're really great guitarists. It may be reaching but eh why not.
  8. 少女 type is catchy as fuck. Im so aboard the Disp- Jigsaw hype train.

  9. Aferni

    Is L not that popular or what
  10. If it is at all like Coward Tv then im down cause that song was amazing
  11. 80 dollars for a free dist noulla cd..LOL WTF

    1. Aferni


      No, i already have that. Its their newest dist 虚数解の記憶. Some dude on yahoo auction wants 80 bucks for it 

    2. Haniel


      There will always be people who will want to profit from this, Will you want to pay or not

    3. xriko


      supply and demand.

      this is actually the only available.

      you can still wait for a price down or a new offer

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  12. Whichever one of y'all played bespa kumanero in that plug sesh so long ago, thanks huntY ❤️

  13. Aferni

    Im looking for these desperately, please sell these (MAINLY basket case) llll-Ligro- - basket case Noulla - 「虚数解の記憶」
  14. Is it just me or is Zin's twitter..blank?????

    1. IGM_Oficial


      If you mean this, it's just you

    2. Aferni


      i was talking about zin of noulla

    3. IGM_Oficial


      Oh lol in this case, yes, it is

  15. Aferni

    Their live limited CD's never really show up on auctions but...fingers crossed for this one.
  16. When wiil u screem agen tsuzuku

    1. 123Sandman321


      Seems like he screams Koichi's name every night

    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      I was gonna say the first time he has to bottom for Koichi, but sike Sandman beat me to it

    3. platy


      What makes u guys think he'd be a bottom

  17. Aferni

    Chiaki's dick doesn't taste the same here, proceeding to jump DEZERT's ship. I really liked that album about tables though, and even Hentai was better than this...whatever this is.
  18. Aferni

    I was salty as fuck at first because of llll-Ligro- disbanding and cancelling Tomurai...then DIMLIM beefed everything up. I'm glad issei left, they really weren't that interesting with him in it, These past three songs have been spectacular and been replayed daily. Didn't think I'd be hyped so soon after being severely disappointed, I hope sho finds a different scream technique so he doesn't ruin his voice in the near future. (like hinata...ily hinata)
  19. I listen to ピンクマリオネット eveRyday, i have a serious problem. 

  20. I forgot how good Shuuen was, Kyouki needs to come back asap


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