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Status Updates posted by Aferni

  1. I asked vk god for phantasmagoria and he giveth labiaser, vanishing to chaos and imperial propaganda excites the taste buds. aaqaaaaaaaaaa

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Mediena also pretended to be mago :V

  2. LMAO @Ten Ten calling himself "japanese andrew w.k" ily ten ten

    1. Elazmus


      Idk what's funnier, this idea in general or the great effort involved in pronouncing "an-...and-...andu...ru-.... anduru duburukei"

  3. ktk and dezert has a new love child, Mamireta. fun stuffs.

    1. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      their next release must be a mini album,please!

  4. Chiaki looks so uncomfortable on DEZERT's little VJS interview. 


  6. Now to make 8-Bit Kuroyuri To Kage..Benjo or Hakkyou No Karte?

  7. Working on 8 Bit  時限式:uadjet and llll-Ligro- project for shits and giggles...wonder how close can i get to replicating 碧落の暁り..


  8. Finally my internet is back on..


    1. Shir0


      "I dont know what u see [...] Imitate eyeballs
      Stop to watchin’ me. What the fuckin’ plastic doll. fuck you nice face" <333


      lool someone else knew the lyrics are entirely in english except for two phrases?

    2. yakihiko


      Is always hard to fully understand what he is trying to sing in english in most of time lol

      Probably the only songs I understand his english phrases at very first was in CPS' In My Dream (The gods of music are having a secret carnival, it kills me to don't that a part) and MBHI's 取り除けない (Take this all away), the others take a bit longer xD


      Aferni, if you have lyrics from others LACK CO, like 色彩皆無, 終焉詐欺 or 火花を散らしたら please post. Those are my favorite.

    3. Aferni


      @Shir0"I dont know what you see..in me, Imitate Eyeballs



  11. I miss -OZ-, out of all the dudes to return to the scene none of them did...Natsuki please come out of slumber

    1. filth_y


      ^Well, if you like all of -OZ- i thought DEVIZE might be something for you girls. They had lost me after elf but i heard there might be people listening to their roughly 30-40 b-side filler songs put out 2008-2012 ;) 

    2. YuyoDrift



      ..... for you girls

      ...... :tw_expressionless:

    3. Komorebi


      I miss Oz too :C

      And Devize are actually quite decent.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  12. angioplasty  sounds better than Traum End. Come on Geomatrium, gimmie those halienju esque tracks.

  13. You smell like you fuck possums. 

  14. The cesspool of me. 

  15. You do NOT look good naked, holy shit.

    1. nekkichi


      that's just ur opinion, mang!



    2. PsychoΔelica


      What an insult!

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I don't look good clothed either v_v

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  16. ay

    1. Aferni


      add me on discord boi

    2. YuyoDrift


      Bruh I don't discordz ehh


      Do I have to? haha

    3. Aferni
    4. Show next comments  36 more
  17. How do I escape when you follow me everywhere,cake? Stop following me before I diabetes. 

  18. egoism from the gate.

  19. Born's Haritsuke is good as long as you don't look at the cringe lyrics, then the song is ruined.

  20. Sell me CD rips of Geomatrium and Noulla Pleaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeee

  21. I wonder what you'd think of me now..lol. Wish I could've been more of what you wanted.

    1. CAT5


      Bruh, fuck that fuckshit. If you were more of what someone else wanted, you wouldn't be you. 

    2. Himeaimichu


      Forget what others want. Most people just want generic and boring. You just keep being you, which happens to be awesome~

  22. ピンクマリオネット

  23. When a vk band files a copyright strike on your channel. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. 

    1. suji


      *oh btw, my faves even helped take my channel down that i've had for 10 years </3 not cool

    2. herpes


      when bands object to me posting their intellectual property >>>>>>>>>>>

    3. Tokage


      when my bitch manager KYLE makes me turn \m/ 420 DEATHGAZE 420 \m/ down because it made some old ho's teeth fall out 

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  24. What ever happened to Halienju's Bassist Ryu-Ka?

    1. Himeaimichu


      I'm guessing he was like "fuck it" after Halienju disbanded and gave up on music

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