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Everything posted by anakuro

  1. anakuro

    Got two more of those distributes from Minus. Finally have FREAKS A GO! GO! Also I now have old versions of some songs I already had--most excited about the old version of 少女、時々雨。 + a bunch of cheki and a few 平成維新 CDs. Planning on grabbing ZETSURIN HAGUKI's release that comes out tomorrow next and after that Minus' 心外
  2. Tempted to do my own 2015 list but that would require remembering what was even released last year...

    1. Tetora


      vistlip LAYOUT and you should be good to go.

    2. doombox


      C'mon. All the cool kids are doin' it~. XD

    3. anakuro


      Lol if I remember when I get home from tokyo.

  3. Re: SACCI's new look: dont worry he has an actual costume lol They wore the new costumes at the oneman last night.
  4. For what it's worth, none of this was announced at the live today. It was only announced after online. Anyway, Souiumono was a big part of my life for so long; it'll be hard to see them go... Edit:idk why the text was so big sry I'm mobile and can't edit it properly. I think I fixed it?
  5. anakuro

    idk if it defines their overall sound but hey welcome /late Also just an fyi they have joined Timely Records.
  6. anakuro

    3rd for xaa-xaa lol
  7. are they rerecording or ...? because if so i might grab it just for 宵花火 lol the original quality is pretty bad but i love that song...
  8. oh no poor nama D: I hope it's nothing serious and she can get well soon. It's not the same seeing them without her and yeah Nama's female
  9. anakuro

    Yep lol i cant deny that. But it's not as bad live & tbh he's a really good frontman.
  10. anakuro

    YESSS though I'll miss Hikaru I miss going to see Cradle a lot so hoping the experience is quite similar...
  11. The ensoku song that ishin covered is actually called gorila no oka (ゴリラの丘) The woman in the picture is kaworu (かをる) who was Heisei Ishin's hair+make up artist & their merch girl. She came and sang a song during the Yoshifumi Band set; it's her song but iirc she said Rai helped compose it & on the CD Yukkie and Yoshi played guitar and bass respectively on the recorded version for her. Yukkie also came out on stage for that song and also to do ruru w/ Ishin as well.
  12. everyone is covering a heisei ishin song today. it's so good ahhh

    1. doombox


      That sounds awesome! :D

    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      The lineup/setlists make it seem like a really fun show.

    3. anakuro


      It really was. I mean if I'm going to be honest TBS and More bored me but the rest of the live was really fun. And I'm so happy I got to hear two of my favorite Heisei Ishin songs. It was a really nice atmosphere too.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  13. 平??revolution live tomorrow(*-* ) I finally get to see N@H. & not to mention I'll be seeing Syuma drumming for the first time in ~6 months. So excited\(^o^)??

    1. doombox


      Yayyy! Have fun! ^^

  14. anakuro

    Well Japanese people in general can be pretty private about these things. Bangya in particular are very private in this way--I know one girl who has not uploaded a single photo of herself for the reason emmny brought up. I know most girls who post pictures of themselves and block out their own face. As far as I can tell it's pretty much the same reason for group photos. And multiple people have found me in that picture--and other photos where I'm not in front row and I block out my face. If there is any other reason besides tanuki & privacy in general I don't know. I found it a bit strange at first too but now I just go ahead and block my face too. I don't want people seeing me when I look like a hot mess after a live lol ps even though we did cover our faces, on tanuki they pointed out every single person that was in saizen (except I didn't a name I got "gaikokujin") at the oneman. XAA-XAA's thread is particularly gossipy. edit: roji posted his message album
  15. anakuro

    @yakihiko When we were taking the picture Kazuki saw us starting to cover our faces and said "cover your faces" so it might have made more girls think to do it than normal. Tbh I doubt they will post pics of the message books on twitter or their blogs. They're not the kind of band that post pictures of sashiire. And if they did it would probably just be the covers.. They have like no fans in Tokyo from what I hear, so it'd be surprising if they had any in Sendai. All their fans are here in Osaka. Roji is from Tottori Prefecture while Kazuki, Reiya and Haru are from Kagawa Prefeture. @sairensu it was! I can't wait for March either! Though the fact that it's two types now is a bit of a pain...
  16. anakuro

    @yakihiko the clothes are a reference to their early days where they just wore suits with paint splattered on them (session band era, usotsuki era, kowai kurai era). And most girls cover their faces in any photo like this that a band takes actually--we protect our identities this way. I'm in front row and I have my face covered too. @doombox me too! Ahh sorry! I should have messaged you personally to double check. I figured you'd seen it. Maybe next time! The message books were handed off to them yesterday! I saw the gyas putting them together at the end. side note: I'm really curious why their tour final will be in SENDAI. What??? I'm wondering if they'll add a date as a oneman for the final or something.
  17. GLAM GRAMM@R is back from hiatus and will hold their first official live, entitled バンギャル超会議♡2016 (bangyaru choukaigi♡2016), under their new name on 2016.02.14 (sun) @ 四谷LOTUS Members: Vocals: Pero (twitter) Guitar: Shuta (twitter) Guitar: Tara (twitter) Bass: CHINATSU (twitter) Drum: shou (twitter) http://glamgrammar.com/ https://twitter.com/GLGR_info
  18. anakuro

    Images from the one year anniversary oneman live "Sold Out" (2015.12.03): The band also ordered flowers and had them on display as "To all the Junkies/Addicts, thank you for always supporting us, from XAA-XAA" (fans are called 中毒者 which is junkie or addict) No setlist has been posted yet as far as I know..
  19. anakuro

    re-recorded 「うそつき」 from ザアザア
  20. Looking forward to the new releases & tour. I believe it is したいだけでしょう? at least that's how it read on the announcement screen at the oneman tonight. (edit: I could be wrong since all news sources say deshiyo but everyone read it out loud as deshou and laughed) edit one more time: it's したいだけでしょ with a little yo (shitai dake desho). Roji clarified it in a tweet. Also fwiw it's not ridiculous imo considering how many of their releases are sold out/difficult to get a hold of. And they have live only distributes too.
  21. anakuro

    minus jin-say orhcestra rarez that idek know what were when i bough them one is 教祖2000 and no clue what the other one is but at least it's one i don't have edit: figured out what ごくひ2 is: it's a cover of MUCC's 君に幸あれ
  22. anakuro

    That'd be great! It doesn't have to be long. It can just be happy 1 year anniversary, where you're from, etc. Please PM as soon as possible with the messages! She wants to have an idea of how many people are participating in advance.
  23. anakuro

    All right XAA-XAA fans! The one year anniversary is coming up and the girls are planning on making message books for the members (I'm imagining it's one per member) and we'd like as many people as possible to participate. So if you are interested in writing a message (one message for each member!) please send me a PM with your messages and I'll forward it on to the girls organizing the message books. There will be no translating of English messages (I don't have time) so I'd recommend keeping it simple. The cards are about the size of a business card--so not that big. Please keep it relatively short! Please send me a message by ??? (I'll update this when I get a reply about it--for now let's say the 29th). As soon as possible is preferred!
  24. XAA-XAA's in store was great yesterday. Roji atually speaks a lot more English than I first guessed :o

  25. anakuro

    I like the single. Yuki tokei is really pretty. But honestly ballads rarely do anything for me--I'm almost never in the mood to listen to them. Tulip is probably my favorite off of the single. It's just so fun. And the lyrics are A+ too. I like waraitai kedo waraenai but I agree in regards to the end of it. I was so taken aback by it when I first listened to it and now it kind of ruins the ability to listen to it recorded. All in all, Kowai Kurai is probably my favorite release as a whole still.
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