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Everything posted by anakuro

  1. anakuro

    New single previews up! It'll be released 11/1!
  2. anakuro

    GAGA's 恍惚の花-コウコツノハナ- (live house only version) GAGA's 籠絡 (live house only version--one for me, one for a friend) 2 gaga cheki 4 ザアザア cheki ザアザア's 死にたい to have a back up copy since they're sold out at some stores already.
  3. Looking forward to better quality versions of the songs~
  4. anakuro

    it's live house & one day only it seems. but same price as the original "usotsuki"
  5. anakuro

    XAA-XAA has re-recorded their first single "Usotsuki" and will sell it at the oneman in December. Here's the artwork:
  6. anakuro

    they get down in the crowd pretty much every time actually! I think the only time I didn't see them do it was during their first oneman. There are times when it's only roji on stage because all of the members have abandoned it lmao Haru's often walking around on the rail, actually. I always have to keep an eye out for him doing that since I'm always on that side.. Their lives are really fun~! I'm glad there's some live footage everyone can see it a little at least
  7. I generally go for the newest release and/or the thing with a song I recognize and branch out from there. A lot of bands I end up liking/checking out don't even have albums and it's mostly singles or mini-albums so it's rarely a thing I even think about.....
  8. anakuro

    Listening to the mini-album now!! Also since it hasn't been brought up here: https://youtu.be/MGe2rJj3uM4 Setlist: 1. 感電、けがのおそれがあります。 2. 君の心臓を食べてしまいたい 3. ララララ 4. 子守唄 It's viewable for a month or so only; so make sure to watch it before Sept. 30th or so.
  9. anakuro

    My friend kept telling me to listen to that song in particular too. She was telling me it was very moving. I'll give shinitai another listen today and report back \(^o^)/
  10. looks like I'm running to Shounenki's Osaka oneman after work on Saturday. I should get an in store ticket just to see if Eiki will call me out on it since I told him I wasn't going lol...

  11. Will do! One of my biggest regrets the past few years was not going to see N@H when I had the chance. No way I'm missing this.
  12. anakuro

    I need to listen to it more to really decide. I just got so many new CDs that it ended up taking a backseat, but I think it's the lowest on the list out of their releases for me. But I need to give it more of a thorough listen. What about you? You got your copy today, right?
  13. I'm so excited(*-* ) N@H!!!! and a baku/mido session!! on my day off! I hope some bands cover heisei ishin I want to hear my jams...
  14. N@H one day revival. Excuse me as I go scream in excitement.

  15. Minus Jin-Say Orchestra's remix of Ensoku's antennaman is everything I wanted(*-* )

    1. Duwang


      I can't wait to hear *-*

  16. anakuro

    The shelves themselves: And I took the time to get pictures of a few specific collections: Souiumono Hana Shounen Baddies Oneness (oops I think it might be a little blurry) Ensoku & Minus Jin-Say Orchestra
  17. anakuro

    XAA-XAA's shinitai came today but I also went to pure sound and little HEARTS. the top is for me, bottom is for a friend. Lots of Minus Jin-Say Orchestra and Ensoku for us both, lol. I may have gotten another of Souiumono's BOMB x BOMB x BOMB to go to their in store...
  18. If I leave now I might have time to get XAA-XAA's new and be back in time for work lol but I'm too lazy.

  19. Agreed. I didn't expect the free songs to last but it gets tiring reeeaaally quickly when bands rerelease songs repeatedly. BLESSCODE's great live and you know I've got my hiroshima pride going on with them too so I'm glad to see they're getting support from a label now.
  20. anakuro

    XAA-XAA / Shellmy split single. Thanks to a couple friends who helped me get the two copies (me and another friend's copy) since I couldn't go today.
  21. I had wanted to see them again they were good..
  22. Taught Shounenki's Eiki "what's up" and "sup" and he promptly went around greeting all the japanese gya with it while handing out flyers. Best.

    1. Elazmus


      that's amazing! XD

    2. doombox


      Hahaha. I bet he felt so cool.

    3. anakuro


      it was great and he probably did!! I love hanging out with Eiki at flyer distribute.

  23. anakuro

    In kimi no shizou tabeteshimaitai there was actually emotion in the repition, in shinitai it's so flat I could do with out it tbh. And I know live he'll get lazy and not even sing half the shinitais like he does with a lot of the really repetitive bits in other songs. But besides that I quite liked it I've decided.
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