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Everything posted by anakuro

  1. Almost fell asleep during grieva. Kuroyuri to kage was weird I liked it. GOT RAI'S (GIGAMOUS) STICK AHH. Belle was okish. Am avoiding AvelCain in the lobby now. Three more to go.

    1. WhirlingBlack


      I'm not doing any long events again in a hurry unless there are more acts I'm interested in - I prefer the event gigs that start at 18 and end at 22, feels like its enough.

      My gig was at some strange all seated place (which was oversold so I had to stand in the back) so I don't think it was the best environment for most of these bands either. I can totally see Grieva or Kuroyuri (who was also playing and didn't impress me much) translate much better at a place like AREA....

    2. anakuro


      Was it the saitama thing? That was the other day wasn't it. Ugh I hate area lol. But yeah I thhink they'd do better then. The members of kuroyuri were a snoozefest besides the singer but he was so weird. I liked the composition and vocals much more for them than grieva. Tbh grieva's vocalist was pretty bad today..

    3. WhirlingBlack


      It was the saitama thing indeed. I think the thing with Grieva is that they play on my Dir en grey nostalgia (being way more obvious in their rip off than Kuroyuri for example) and the fact that when I saw them their vocalist was really on target.

      There's a lot of bad venues around but I like AREA despite their substandard sound, because its generally half empty when I go and I can have a nice seat on one of the ledges, lol. But bands I like mostly play at chop or LOFT so...

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  2. anakuro

    Tbh I laughed through most of the PV. But I laugh through a lot of what they do--it's so kitschy I love them. as for the song itself I need to give it a few more listens and I want to hear it in the context of the mini-album for sure..!
  3. anakuro

    I wish they asked questions related to puzzle games or puzzles in games. same. I play shooters and puzzle games and it only really reflects the shooter aspect.
  4. It's been a long time since I was first row for Souiumono and it was so fun. But not feeling it for Shounenki anymore except older songs. I did get Eiki's pick though~

    1. anakuro


      And I've seen Souiumono 20+ times? Of course there's the politics but I have no issues with negotiating it's not as scary as it sounds. "is it (saizen) open for [band name] in this area?" If yes you say you're name and you've got the spot basically

    2. Tetora


      First times I didn`t know and just went to the front but nobody said anything ever. Then I found out and just let the hardcore fans have their place. In a small venue I don`t really care, and big shows I can get a seat instead where it is a bigger difference if you aren`t close. I`m too tall so I block people and get hit by the towels and stuff anyway. Such is life.

    3. anakuro


      I knew about negotiating from a friend but was too nervous too do it. Then back in 2013 I met a girl and she negotiated for us both for Souiumono and after that almost every event live I've gone to with them I did saizen. I like it the most tbh

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  5. anakuro

    I'd say it's fairly accurate. I care less about story and more about gameplay and like actually playing rather than sitting through cutscenes. I wonder if it would be any different if I did this back wken I wasn't just a casual gamer.
  6. Yes, and they still play it regularly. This year is their 10 year anniversary if I'm not mistaken. Looking forward to all the stuff they have coming out soon \(^o^)/
  7. anakuro

    They write a lot of things a little strangely. I think they're just trying to be edgy, lol.
  8. anakuro

    Shellmy I find a lot more interesting and easier to get into when I see them. Recorded I'm not particularly interested either.. The drummer of Shellmy has helped XAA-XAA out a lot btw But I liked the preview for XAA-XAA's song too! I wish I could go to the twoman orz
  9. I'm hoping to go to the threeman actually.. I have a really good ticket number for the osaka date but not sure yet if I can go.. shellmy's really good live! I find them a little flat recorded personally though. I love their singer though he's ridiculous
  10. anakuro

    I think they've played everything but shinitai live? I haven't seen them since the oneman so I haven't heard the other ones--they might not have played yami actually--but my friend said she enjoyed the one(s?) I hadnt heard. A japanese gya described haikei anata e to me and said the ending surprised her--so I'm curious to hear that in particular. Since my new apartment doesn't have internet, I've only listened on a phone and I was actually unpacking so I didn't catch the autotune at the time tbh. I've got to go back and listen again to see what you mean with it! Edit: Preview for the split-single with shellmy
  11. anakuro

    Can't wait to hear it all too they played two of them at the oneman and I enjoyed them then but I'm looking forward to the cd!!
  12. anakuro

    lol, this isn't the place for this discussion. However, I can refuse to sell again. We talk about it before money is exchanged. If they had a problem with my request they would buy elsewhere. The end. On topic: previews for the songs are up!
  13. anakuro

    I need to listen to the preview again I haven't had any time these days, oops. I'm curious to hear all the songs; it seems the mixing and mastering is almost done so maybe we'll get previews for the songs soon. @chemicalpictures Idk what you like about tsumetai (I mean, it's a great song I love it but idk what about it you like while not liking the others) but none of the other songs in my opinion are like it. There are really good previews (like they are about half a song long) on youtube so you can get a feel for every song and judge yourself, maybe. I have bought for a few people on here but my request when doing a shopping service with CDs is that it's not uploaded.
  14. anakuro

    Duwang - man if you are back by then we gotta go. Messenger84 - see you there \o/ Everyone else - I am like 99% sure heartless is not coming back for good.
  15. So tired from packing up for my move to Osaka @_@

    1. yakihiko


      Have a good move :)

    2. doombox


      I hate moving, it's so tedious. But yay! Osaka! Hope you have fun once you get there!

    3. anakuro


      Thanks! I just want to fast forward to being all moved, haha. I'm sure it'll be great being there though :D

  16. anakuro

    クレイドル - ラブ☆ドキ~LINE既読でほっとかないでよ~ ...lol
  17. anakuro

    exactly, she's just kind of funny now! I think we gave her a hair clip and a hair brush (her hair is a mess). also a coke zero with her name on it and a bottle of whiskey. I'm sure someone appreciated the whiskey for her. Usotsuki is a single (3 songs). na mo naki sora e and lalalala are one song each. Kowai kurai and doshaburi are mini albums and shinitai will be a mini-album (5 songs each). This band's method has been "hit the ground running and never stop"
  18. anakuro

    He really is. Maybe it's a mix of being a drummer, being sarcastic and covered in tattoos. Also one of the older members... My friend actually can't decide either so she calls herself a Junko gya. Sometimes we give Junko gifts and wonder who gets them. Kazuki is the type to go "Oh, she's doing well" when asked how Junko is doing while Reiya is the type to go "J...Junko??" Haru lets me cheat when pulling cheki; Roji does not but he will say "See you~" in English... and then stare like a deer in headlights when anything is said back in English. Yeah, like I love all the songs on Doshaburi but I think it's how they ordered it + Yuuyake is a little generic to me ? for why Kowai Kurai pulls ahead. Glad to hear it! It was even more impressive at the 1st oneman where they played 12 songs after only 2 months or so of session activity and only 3 months since Belmosaic broke up. This band is insane.
  19. anakuro

    Oh nice! Roji's super talented. It's like pulling teeth getting him to talk sometimes though... lol Incidentally, he's the least popular. Like super unpopular. Though apparently recently more popular?? But I still have at least 5 girls coming up to me every live with Roji cheki trying to sell them to me (actually the last live I was at I was given like 7 as presents it was insane). Their CDs are super cheap! Usotsuki is sold out, Kowai Kurai is close to being sold out if it isn't already (I believe what's at stores is all that is left?), but there should be plenty of Doshaburi no Kanojo left. The mini-albums have been ¥1,500 up to this point though! I kind of love Junko (the mannequin). I think it has to do with going to the first oneman and the curtains opened and there she was...everywhere and we all couldn't help but laugh. She's just so ridiculous. I once asked Kazuki what her name was and in Kowai Kurai she was suddenly given credit as a member of the band, lmao. Yes! I'm in Japan. The problem with the missing Belmosaic stuff is it is suuuper rare. And Belmosaic was so unpopular no one would really think to even try and sell it, I think. And one song you only got at the last oneman so people are probably holding onto that one... Any time I've looked it up at puresound it only has the normal CDs and not the free distributes I'm missing.
  20. anakuro

    So.. fav song? release? member (lol)? For me... Fav release: コワイクライ with 子守唄, コワイクライ and 冷たい being my favorite songs off of the release Fav song: either ララララ or 花占い I think? Fav member: Roji Kowai Kurai was the most cohesive release they've put out and when it comes to lives the song that gets me most excited is Kowai Kurai itself, but my favorite songs are from other releases. Incidentally... while I'm proud of my CD collection I am slightly ashamed of my Belmosaic/XAA-XAA cheki collection: Also I didn't mention it specifically before but I've always loved their staging:
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