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Everything posted by anakuro

  1. Off to the MeteoroiD x XAA-XAA x GAGA threeman \(^o^)/

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Sounds like a fun show!

      (Why have xaaxaa, gaga, and tra tra tra not teamed up for a tour yet? Been a good year for the short a sound in VK)

  2. anakuro

    Terakoya because ensoku & minus jin-say orchestra.
  3. anakuro

    マイナス人生オーケストラ -- 凡人だもの。 I'm so pumped to have a new Minus Jin-Say Orchestra CD(ง •̀_•́)ง It's so hard to get a hold of stuff I don't already have lol.
  4. anakuro

    my copy + 6 friends/acquaintances copies of XAA-XAA's yukitokei I was a bit surprised to see it's not in a jewel case like all their other release have been.
  5. I'm still pumped from how fun Minus Jin-Say Orchestra and Ensoku were tonight\(^o^)??It makes me glad I chose ensoku for my Halloween live tomorrow lol

  6. anakuro

    well i didn't think to pick it up when I saw them lol so a friend grabbed it for me♡ I also was finally able to buy an ensoku towel after 3 years of going to see them. They've been sold out every single time I went to see them up until earlier this month.
  7. anakuro

    @kyoselflove glad to see the cheki I got you are safe and sound (even if you tell me they arrived it's nice to see a pic that i didn't take of them to be sure hahaha) The one with half his face red my friend has nicknamed the banshee because he just kind of screams REALLY LOUDLY randomly (srsly you hear it over the music it's hilarious) and i think that cheki kind of captures that perfectly :') Sel'm & Ensoku's newest \m/ Also the GNz-WORD CDs I mentioned before are here
  8. can't wait for it too. minus never disappoints. Now that they are on terakoya I am curious to see if production quality goes up on their releases. Sidenote: I still can't believe they did ヰらない子 at their oneman (and I will never get over the fact that I decided not to go because I'd show up late--but to be fair i probably wouldn't have been in time for that song)
  9. anakuro

    It's a bigger live this time though. If they limit it to under 200 stock (it was 200 for 鬱くしき雨音) and it does sell out that means that most definitely not everyone will be able to get a copy since osaka MUSE's cap is 350.
  10. anakuro

    The flyer probably will look like that, but they haven't said anything about a new flyer yet (they often post a version of it) and I haven't seen it. So, we'll just have to wait and see. My game plan is to set my bag down in my spot and then run to the merch table tbh...I wonder if it'll be like 鬱くしき雨音 where they had piles and piles left over or if it will sell out this time.
  11. 世界の墓地からこんにちは's PV can be watched on their niconico channel: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1445350008
  12. anakuro

    That's actually a big panel they have at zeal link, not a flyer. They might have new flyers though. But personally I haven't seen new flyers yet--we were still receiving shinitai flyers on the 15th. It says for the re-recorded single "usotsuki" ワンマンライヴ会場限定発売 which is "oneman live live house limited release"
  13. anakuro

    Heads up: if you want to buy any XAA-XAA stuff all stock is gone from Osaka stores. I just went to everything today to see. I think only tokyo, nagoya and sendai *might* have kowai kurai, doshaburi no kanojo and/or shinitai.
  14. anakuro

    it's near the beginning. I haven't heard it live yet! (they played tulip for the first time today and I wasnt there ahhh) I noticed it in the previews before it's at like 1:08ish. And then around 1:29 when he says 連れていってよ it's a similar thing. It feels like the vocal track cut out a little or something for a very brief moment? not sure Roji's pretty great to watch tbh. He does a lot of things that just keep your eyes glued on him (or at least my eyes lol). And even when he drops a drumstick or has to dive way to the side to catch one he doesn't miss a beat. it amazes me. omg his arms are so amazing i am so glad they're not doing suits anymore. Bless shinitai outfits for actually showing his arms off. I would bother him but he never listens to me :')
  15. anakuro

    I love it too \(^o^)/ Though at the beginning there's a part where Kazuki's voice was edited a little strangely I think? Still it's a great song(*-* ) I love when he gets excited and starts standing up while drumming lol I wish there were more videos of him drumming. I love watching it
  16. anakuro

    Full PV for yuki tokei
  17. anakuro

    I'm turned off by a lot of VK vocals, yeah. So Kazuki is pretty refreshing--and like I said he is one of the two main reasons I've stuck through the years. Roji is also an incredible drummer. He's the best I've seen out in the past three years of going to lives. For those of you who haven't seen these videos, Roji uploaded two videos he took from his laptop during Belmosaic times (you can download them too!) https://realtimes.real.com/s/AZvIYS→ RPG @ Fukuoka DRUM-SON (2014.08.10) https://realtimes.real.com/s/AzX1ZS→ Mimic @ Okayama IMAGE (2014.08.09) They're not the most impressive performances I've seen by him but they are the best videos of him drumming that we've got so far!
  18. anakuro

    Agreed. I was surprised by his voice when I first heard it and it was what drew me into Belmosaic and then when they broke up it was one of two reasons I wanted to go to the session lives--I was so worried kazuki and roji would just disappear after a while(._.; kazuki continues to amaze me though with his vocals. I think it's better than his work in Belmosaic, too.
  19. anakuro

    That must be a mistake on zeal link's part. XAA-XAA's ohp says 1200 including tax. And I'd be surprised if they charged the same for a single as for a mini-album. But I wouldn't be surprised by zeal entering in the price incorrectly.
  20. anakuro

    ADAPTER。 I wanted はじめの一歩 and bought the two CDs it's on lol I also ordered two GNz-WORD CDs--Switching Win Black and GEAR SECOND--and they should get here tomorrow\(^o^)/
  21. anakuro

    I think you misunderstood what I said. By "in stores" i mean in store events. They haven't announced where or when the events will be--so I'm not ordering until I know if I can or can't go.
  22. anakuro

    XAA-XAA was so good today(*-* ) and then they had the most fans there for them at the live today out of all of the bands (yep, they beat shounenki) so they get to play tomorrow too\(^o^)/ So congrats to XAA-XAA! I'm waiting to preorder the CD until I know when in stores are and who all I'm buying for...
  23. anakuro

    Well to be fair they have increased it each time. Kowai kurai was twice the amount of "usotsuki" and doshaburi was even more than kowai kurai. But they've never mentioned exact numbers as far as I can recall (at least roji hasn't and he's the one who talks about stuff like that the most).
  24. anakuro

    All of their CDs are about to sell out actually. What's on the shelves is what's left if Roji's not exaggerating (..again..). zeal link sold a lot of copies because it was the in store event that had a talk section if I recall correctly. They normally sell at like an edison, zeal link, little hearts and pure sound. I doubt it will be any different this time.
  25. anakuro

    It should be in stores. I really loved the previews too. But I think I'm mostly drawn to チューリップ from the previews personally.
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