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Everything posted by anakuro

  1. During their twitcast reirei announced they will resume activities. 6/25 @ holiday next they will hold their sponsored event A mini-album was also announced
  2. tbh I might become a Shellmy gya... The preview for the single they'll release in May is so good. 

    1. anakuro


      @yakihiko not exactly. Bangya's a vk fan but like one with it as their main hobby. Tbh bangya is like a lifestyle--it's hard/impossible to be bangya when living in another country imo. 


      A ~gya is simply a bangya who is a fan of that band/band member. So shellmy gya = shellmy fan. It doesn't say anything about how much someone goes to see that band live.


      The word you want is "kayoi," those are gya who go as much as possible. Jouren's a step above kayoi though. They basically go to every live and are pretty much a clique of bangya who help each other out.  

    2. yakihiko


      Thank you for explain @anakuro, now I understood their meaning and differences :) 

    3. anakuro


      No problem!

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  3. 1. 平成メンヘラセオリー 2. 君の首を絞めるうた
  4. 01フライングヒューマノイド 02盛者が殺しにやってくる 03桐島、人間やめるってよ。 04足元ばかり見ている
  5. Type: Atman 1.芸術家達の夢想機械(SE) 2.アリス・エクス・マキナ(type:Atman) 3.アリス・エクス・マキナ(type:Atman)カラオケver. Type: Brahman 1.ハッタリ屋の実現機械(SE) 2.アリス・エクス・マキナ(type:Brahman) 3.机上の空論実行部隊 4.狂い時計のネジ巻きマキナ 5.アリス・エクス・マキナ(type:Brahman)カラオケver.
  6. anakuro

    well my icon is me an roji from like 5000 years ago (2014) but here is a more recent photo of me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. anakuro

    i bought so much makeup (more like three things but it feels like a lot because wow expensive)
  8. well since i had to reupload my icon i decided to finally change it..but fear not, syuma is still making an appearance in my cover photo. 

    1. yakihiko


      Nice looking avi! :D

    2. doombox


      Cuteness overload~

    3. anakuro


      @yakihiko thanks! the picture is so old but lol it's the best picture I've taken with roji....


      @doombox sankyuu\(^o^)/

  9. Well I guess everyone was right in that the ~mysterious band "B"~~ would be Nao's band. I'm surprised to see Kou is doing two bands...I wonder how well that will work.
  10. Sure no problem. I've started with the kanji on xaa-xaa.tumblr.com and I've got the lyrics written for most other songs on there too. I never did get around to shinitai though....
  11. anakuro

    really?? I guess your right. I had to go look back at belmosaic pictures. i just have in my mind roji with his stupid really long hair for some reason i like junko :') and it can be refreshing when a band actually considers what their stage looks like lol I mean it is visual kei, why not take the opportunity to incorporate the stage into the visual aspect? fingers crossed for you! they mostly do lives in tokyo these days @_@ but july they have lives in tokyo, osaka and nagoya so maybe you'll be able to go. tickets aren't so complicated (unless you're worried about getting a ~good number~~~) but to buy them you need to be here in japan since you pay at a convenience store and pick them up there It's possible to hire a shopping service to buy tickets for you but then you'll be paying out of your ass (and they generally don't know how to get ~good numbers~~~ and will grab whatever's available). If you're not concerned about it selling out--normally lives don't sell out--you might as well just grab them when you get here.
  12. anakuro

    Their usotsuki look was pretty bad tho. And their white nails during that time looked like white out I was dying hahaha but yeah in general I like most of their looks :') Idk about mascot? The word choice just doent sit right with me and I don't know why haha junko's just kind of like a part of the band to me--she's credited in everything from kowai kurai and on. I had asked kazuki what her name is and that seems to be how he decided to answer me lol They always have her strewn about the stage. The torso's normally hanging from the ceiling on the left side and her right leg is normally on the right side of the stage. There's at least 3 junko heads now...one is bald (and still attached to a torso). but yeah they had her since the beginning & I posted pics earlier in this thread of what their staging looks like iirc??
  13. anakuro

    if you're talking about my translations then...I never translated them all. I think it was somewhere in the middle of the kowai kurai mini-album that I stopped but they're here. Since @CCXXVIII requested the lyrics for shitai dake desho? I'm going to type them up on there soon I think but lately I only write the kanji for the songs.
  14. anakuro

    lol reiya's the one i'm just like nahhh about :') he's really popular though so it's not difficult for me to get rid of anything reiya related...lol yeah i actually mentioned it before. It's actually a minialbum!: but i don't think anyone really noticed. I'm waiting to hear about in stores before I decide where to grab it from. Incidentally @doombox we forgot to work out how much it'd be + MJO's single so uh guess you'll just have to paypal me later lol oh really? why does it remind you of Belmosaic?? re: the look the black rain? is so distracting for me lol and then i'm not used to Roji's hair being so short (I mean, besides from a million years ago)
  15. anakuro

    share whose writing? my students?? I mean from my previous job I do have a couple photos of my elementary school students' stuff but I can't really show my current students' handwriting for a lot of reasons but the biggest one being I don't have any samples...at all. @Dictators_Circus is that really how you write all the time?? it seems like it would take forever o_o; then again my handwriting is so messy it's hard for me to imagine someone just naturally having handwriting like that ha
  16. @smilesxchibi nope no compilation really. though a lot of the older songs have newer versions but tbh a lot of the CDs are starting to sell out or are sold out so even the nationwide releases are getting harder to get a hold of, it seems. Though they do have quite a few of them for sale at their merch table still I think @Biopanda tbh gay beach is one of the ones I still haven't been able to get my hands on lol If you were to find it now it'd probably be like 7000. MJO's used CD prices are inflated like crazy. I got sakuragaoka for like 2300 yen a year ago and it's now 5400.
  17. anakuro

    I think on MH shinitai is pretty popular tbh Just not with the three of us haha Lol right. I love the eyes in his picture. Too bad I only got one picture otherwise I would have sold one or something. I don't need two masterpieces :')
  18. anakuro

    yeah i think he's just REALLY COLD to me because he knows he doesn't have to try lol I'm one of the few fans who has stuck with them from 始動 (I mean, even before that because Belmosaic) to now so he has 0 fears of losing me as a fan tbh He's a lot more friendly when we speak english though so i just don't..japanese...with him..... But no seriously 99% of our interactions is him saying "thnx" and that being it so you see why I get frustrated with him :') I would tell him but the things is I have like no opportunities to talk to him at the moment and I'm sure I'll forget lol... My friend also thinks I'll break his kokoro if I tell him that he fucked up. And we all remember the last time someone told him that his English was wrong (or well "it's okay you can speak Japanese") --or if you don't remember it, she told him that and he pretty much wouldn't let on to me that he likes English for like even a year after that www yeah i honestly can't remember 桜の街?? but I do agree in general I like this release more than 死にたい
  19. anakuro

    lmao all 389572398 CDs you bought? Good luck catching up. Did you end up getting the best of or not I forgot? Right? Roji obviously chose the wrong profession. It's on that ledge in my room behind all my drumsticks. here's the reiya stuff i got initially
  20. A lot of tickets just came in the mail. Too bad they're not all for me :')

  21. anakuro

    I haven't had much time to listen (mostly, I've been marathoning BONES with and more recently without @doombox lol) but I've felt quite positive towards the single. I really like the title track--probably what I like the most. kanashii nara te wo tatakou is good but I still feel really iffy about them copying? mimicking? making fun of? another band. The third song I only heard once though lol And as for the best of album I still think I prefer the originals & the last song on it (the new one) isn't as gripping for me as it seems to be fore like everyone else. Like girls were crying when it was played live???? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Incidentally I recently went to their shusai and did kuji and this is what I got (well actually I had to trade the reiya stuff I got......) lmao @ Roji's art skills lmao @ "drumer" I'm surprised that 雨に殺される is going to be released so soon after their single It's a concept mini-album with the theme of rain, lol. That's far from surprising with them...
  22. anakuro

    i always find it interesting seeing other people's handwriting tbh
  23. Nandakanda and zangyaku ( ; ; ) and numa and sistermura and turantula ( ; ; ) I'm hoping for a dvd too man
  24. anakuro

    quite interested to see how this goes. gonna go to the oneman \(^o^)/
  25. sorry for not getting back to you sooner i didn't see this until now the composition is quite different but i'm not sure how to describe it. personally, i like the older version a lot more. the newer version wouldn't be so bad i guess if you didn't hear the original version? it sounds like a bad cover of the original. It's too ~cleaned up~~ and trying to fit in closer to their newer style and the vocals are just..lol. It's pretty obvious SACCI doesn't want to be singing it--when they played it live he'd half ass it then too. The chorus part is very true to the original part and that's also when SACCI also tries when singing it Anyway I can't believe they're gone. It feels like a huge part of my passion for VK was extinguished with them going away... I wish I had been able to go to the last live but that's life.
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