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Everything posted by anakuro

  1. @Duwangno problem! we can just talk on twitter dm about it later!! I hope I'm actually in time for them on the 31st the definitely do sound better than that preview they put on twitter
  2. @Duwang did you want me to grab you a copy on the 31st? you could furikomi me or mail me the money
  3. Guess I'll pick it up along with the other live release (if they still have it) that day. I wasn't big on the preview I heard but I want to give them a chance....
  4. anakuro

    I hope I can go to the 平成revolution party again this year it was so great last year
  5. they played しがなる at the oneman I went to and I remember enjoying it but I already forgot what it was like \(^o^)/ But I'm really looking forward to it!
  6. anakuro

    The ad for the twoman tour was chosen to be on the back of SHOXX, which is pretty big for them. Also, I've been typing up the lyrics from 雨に殺される & even translated ピチピチチャプチャプランランラン on tumblr. In case anyone's interested, I also made a tumblr to talk solely about XAA-XAA from my experiences & to talk with anyone on there who is interested in them (and doesn't want to follow my personal tumblr lol). As for 雨に殺される (now that I actually own it, lol): I love the mini-album. Ame ni korosareru is probably one of the weaker songs on there in my opinion. Ikenai mou ikenakucha is so catchy I love it and the recitation is HILARIOUS. Just imagine kazuki earnestly saying "I'm just your average housewife" and try not to laugh please Aoi raincoat is that emo kazuki being murdered in a forest song i've always wanted without even knowing it pichipichi chapuchapu ranranran I know you guys are meh about it BUT for me it is so fresh for them with the different style and I love it. it sounds so fun but of course, lol, the lyrics... On another note, it gives me life knowing that this drum line was difficult for Roji and he kept fuckin it up :') ohame keihou hatsurei I've been listening to 5000x a day it's my favorite song shizuku it's good but ...well, I've never been big on ballads
  7. 仕切りが嫌い (shikiri ga kirai) will be released July 22nd for ¥1,500 tracklist: 1.仕切りが嫌い (shikiri ga kirai) 2.怨めしや〜百鬼夜行〜 (urameshiya~hyakki yakou~ or urameshiya ~hyakki yagyou~ ) 3.抹消 (masshou) 4.トチ狂っテる (tochi kurutteru) 5.悪いのはバンドマン (warui no wa bandoman) 6.死んでほしい (shinde hoshii) source
  8. I am pretty pumped for this single I loved 平成メンヘラセオリー And 絶交 was really fun live
  9. anakuro

    Yeti - アンチテーゼ

    Yeti 1st Full album「アンチテーゼ」 AK-0059/¥3,000(tax in)
  10. anakuro

    麗麗 - 賽-sai-

    [TYPE A](CD+DVD) [CD]未発表新曲を含む全5曲収録 [DVD]「天誅-Music Overdrive-」(MUSIC CLIP)付き二枚組仕様!! GSRD-004A 価格¥2,800(税別) ※トレーディングカードA1枚(全4種類)ランダム封入 発売元:GS Record 販売元:FWD lnc. [CD] 1.小悪魔ガールで御座候ふ 2.天誅-Music Overdrive- 3.地球外超元気生命体デンパシー 4.漢THE祭りふぃーばー 5.Agent five [DVD] 1.天誅-Music Overdrive-(MUSIC CLIP) [TYPE B](CDのみ) 未発表新曲を含む全6曲収録 GSRD-004B 価格¥2,300(税別) ※トレーディングカードB1枚(全4種類)ランダム封入 発売元:GS Record 販売元:FWD lnc. [CD] 1.小悪魔ガールで御座候ふ 2.天誅-Music Overdrive- 3.哀れな女とくだらない嘘 4.地球外超元気生命体デンパシー 5.漢THE祭りふぃーばー 6.Agent five
  11. ノイジー・マイノリティー 1.The New Beginning  2.シンデレラ・シンドローム  3.Blood Ocean 4.エクストリームおっぱいダイナマイト8000  5.Brain Dead 6.Adrenaline  7.しぐなる  8.~Sprout~  9.ハナウタ  10.世界の尾張  11.なんてったってラウドル  12.Holograph  13.おわかれかい
  12. セーラー服と夏休み 【初回版】 CD収録曲 :   M-1. セーラー服と夏休み   M-2. 愛しき貴女へ贈る詩  DVD収録曲 :   セーラー服と夏休みMV + 撮影密着オフショット セーラー服と夏休み 【通常版】  CD収録曲 :   M-1. セーラー服と夏休み   M-2. 愛しき貴女へ贈る詩   M-3. ラララ…妄想少年
  13. anakuro

    シェルミィ - 放課後の凶室

    放課後の凶室 インスティンクト_リクエスト 絶交
  14. anakuro

    It's just so bizarre to me to talk about "bringing back" a band that hasn't even disbanded yet Maybe that's just me...? Anyway, I can't really vote since I was never into any of these bands....
  15. anakuro

    @doombox barrage him with "COME TO AMERICA!!!" messages :') I thought it was a bit odd on my day though that there were exactly 0 songs off of 死にたい I mean it's fine for me, 死にたい's my least favorite but...that was just odd.
  16. anakuro

    I wrote up about the Osaka oneman on my tumblr as well but I'll copy and paste here in case any one's interested in it too Glad you had such a good time @Duwang!! I was curious how you'd enjoy them live haha & thanks for the shout out to the ask a bangya blog. @Platy that blog is actually run by me and another person so if you have any specific questions feel free to ask me! and yes roji is such a badass behind the drumset!! I WISH HE FELT THE NEED TO EIGYO WITH ME JEEZ When he's in a good mood like at onemans he's a bit more talkative though....but I don't even try at this point so we're just in this awkward "oh hi. kbye." phase now lol
  17. anakuro

    @Platy hope you enjoy them! let us know how it is~! i can't imagine seeing them at such a big venue haha
  18. anakuro

    Oh ok!! a lot of people here were like wow sugoi about it because they thought DDRM was that much bigger so I thought that's what you meant. I'm looking forward to it I haven't seen DDRM in a while :')
  19. anakuro

    @Platy you're seeing them in July?? I'm guessing Tokyo though.. @doombox I am hoping to figure shit out and be able to go to the Osaka date of the 2man and the oneman tour at least :')) Is DDRM timely records as well? Someone said somewhere that's the reason they're doing the twoman / playing together so it's not that ~amazing~~ and well it does make sense. DDRM is bigger than them but tbh I wouldn't say they're that much bigger
  20. anakuro

    I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty pumped for what's to come with XAA-XAA this fall/winter 2-man tour with DADAROMA First 3-month consecutive releases First oneman tour It is a bit strange though that their anniversary live will be at somewhere so small. The oneman in Osaka was the best XAA-XAA live I have ever been to. To be honest, it was so mind blowing it might have been the best live I've gone to in general. I haven't gotten over it. And @Duwang you still gotta type up how the Tokyo one was bro!!! I heard someone got hurt during the 感電 mosh? because of that weird hold in the wall in shimote. 情けない男のテーマ was fantastic too. It sounded like a video game at first and I just loved it so much. It was my favorite interlude of theirs so I'm so glad they made it into a song. But actually in the middle of it at least in Osaka Kazuki started going JUNKO JUNKO JUNKO and I lost my shit. Also Roji mentioned a few things recently: the mannequin body parts strewn about the stage are NOT Junko's there are no two shots of the members together he doesn't know the other members' phone numbers ???
  21. anakuro

    i recently got this too they're great
  22. 絶交絶交絶交絶交絶交絶交

  23. I've seen XAA-XAA about 20 times and today was probably the best. Holy shit.

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