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Everything posted by anakuro

  1. anakuro

    I'm looking forward into delving into it\(^o^)/ ..i regret missing them that one time i had the chance lol
  2. anakuro

    my next installment of "How Many CDs did Anakuro buy this Month?" HONE YOUR SENSE - ABSOLUTE SENSES Proxyon's LOSER STRIKES BACK, 屈服ゲームオーバー and 続・ルル
  3. anakuro

    @Platy no worries i understand what you meant. there were rumors they'd go major but they signed with timely which is still indies. I'm still a bit worried about what the label means for them @Saishu glad to hear you liked them! tbh they were the first band in a while to get me so excited too when I first got into them. I don't blame you on the ballad--tbh i get pretty bored with ballads in general lmao i'm still so pumped for the new mini-album it reminds me of their earlier work which is still my favorite i think the original 12 songs are still my favorite songs in general of theirs I'm shamelessly mentioning this everywhere but I have two extra copies of Shitai Dake Desho? Type B that I'm looking to sell lol If anyone is interested let me know
  4. anakuro

    ZigZag - Tsunagaritai my copy + 2 copies for a friend Ensoku's newest single Some free comment CDs (Sel'm & CodeRebirth) + free ticket Jully CD, Boogieman CD & Inugami Circus-dan CD --100yen each
  5. anakuro

    @Tokage you probably did!! you suggested so much and i lost track of some of the bands :') I'll check it out (again)!! Thanks \(^o^)/
  6. anakuro

    i'll definitely check them out! I've heard of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas but I haven't listened to them so I'll check them out too Thanks~!
  7. anakuro

    So um... I bought three more copies of XAA-XAA's shitai dake desho? I need to sell them. One's claimed but the other two could be yours!! for the low price of list price + paypal fee + shipping!! (I have some pretty cheap shipping options) let me know if you're interested lol Technically I paid for it forever ago and it was bought about a month ago at the last oneman but I finally got it yesterday! My last nuppe cheki (possibly ever!)!! And finally, I picked up Minus Jin-Say Orchestra's Shisshin yesterday!
  8. anakuro

    Tbh Ensoku had a phase where they really hated playing This is a Pen too and refused to do it from what I hear but they accepted it's their life (and even wrote it into the lyrics for it) lmao anyway it's rarely ever the bands I expect and i prefer not to speculate most of the time. Besides Souiumono and Oneness, I wasn't surprised about them and was guessing for a while that they'd be breaking up.... and then they did.
  9. anakuro

    Well, three major additions for me: Souiumono Oneness Cradle (also minor follow up: I did get into them recorded) orz This past year was not kind to me..
  10. anakuro

    tbh i'm in the same boat BUT I must say I love Hysteric Panic (pretty pumped to finally see them!!) Unveil Raze is p cool I'm getting into Hone Your Sense as well And I really really really like Proxyon (thanks for the heads up on them @Tokage) I forgot to mention GNz-WORD originally too If anyone has any suggestions based on these let me know?? Because I am pretty interested in branching out from my VK hovel. @doombox you suggested Angry Frog Rebirth right?? Also is Last Day Dream worth checking out ?
  11. Well looks like I'm off to XAA-XAA's kyoto in store. I'm going to have like 2~3 copies of the CD to sell after this lol

  12. Oneness will revive for one day and I almost cried lmao (also: I must go)

  13. anakuro

    no problem! I'm so fuckin pumped for the 5th track :') yeah the preview i was interested to see how it would come together? because it sounded like it could be really good or pretty bad. one thing though: timely's not a major label...
  14. anakuro

    Thanks to @- Hitori - I almost gave up hope on getting this CD.
  15. anakuro

    Received my CD today. Everything seems to be in great condition. It was a pleasure!
  16. anakuro

    oh man i keep thinking i need to and I even have the CD sitting around (rather than putting it way) because I keep meaning to but i just keep...not orz The first one was so good (though it's so hard to imagine so many people fitting into DROP) I'm looking forward to this one.. Yeah! but I'm so used to VK lives that I always feel so out of place when I go to other lives lol anyway I just ordered a few Proxyon CDs and HONE YOUR SENSE's album. Looking forward to getting them
  17. well the boy is officially on a bus on his way here. i should sleep but i can't :') 

    1. doombox


      YAY!! Have fun you guys. ;w;

    2. anakuro


      Thanks !! I'll tell him you say hi!!

  18. anakuro

    oh man i really need to watch it. their other live DVD (I can't remember what CD it's attached to) is great too. Looking forward to seeing them finally in May \(^o^)/
  19. @leafwork yeah i think she comes up to my nose maybe and I'm only 161cm myself So last night Ogawa leaving was announced.. The announcement has its own page on their OHP here. It's actually not just one oneman live they will be having but two 2016.7.2 @ Zirco Tokyo 2016.7.8 @ ESAKA MUSE The onemans will be called 「オガワ、マイナスやめるってよ。」 ("I heard Ogawa's leaving Minus") which was decided by him. It's a play off of their song title 霧島、人間やめるってよ。 (which is a play off of a title of something else) Ogawa's comment was like "to the people who are thinking 'again?! seriously you're quitting again?!' the answer is yes! that's right!" and he said it's not because he doesn't want to do MJO, not because he got in a fight with the members, not because he got tired of MJO. He loves MJO. He has to quit because of family reasons. Later if it's possible he's like to do support or session stuff, but it sounds like doing a real band is impossible for him at this point. He also said, since he left before, that people might joke that since it's happened before he'll probably be back but the reality is that MJO will be looking for a new bassist. He hopes that we will all support the new bassist, too. ..anyway, it's hard for me to imagine MJO with someone other than ogawa on bass. I'm just glad I have the 8th off and can go..
  20. anakuro

    雨に殺される pv spot was uploaded
  21. the second one doesn't sound familiar to me so i can't help but the third song was recorded before (it was on an omnibus) and I love that song :') i ordered my copy yesterday so i'm looking forward to grabbing it
  22. Looks like it'll be an interesting mix of songs
  23. anakuro

    So I went to puresound and grabbed Reirei's past singles (B type for both for now, I don't care about the PV). And since I've said for a long time VIV IS SO GOOD I NEED TO LISTEN TO THEM I finally followed through with it and bought MESSAGE. Let's see if they're as good recorded as they are live, huh. And Hysteric Panic's most recent release, Cinderella Syndrome.
  24. no problem the lyrics from shitai dake desho? are all posted now including romaji.
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