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Everything posted by anakuro

  1. anakuro

    Sel'm and Minus Jin-Say Orchestra both have see-through CDs as well!
  2. yearner, soldier, fetus. I move around a lot in my sleep, oops. teenager me also slept in the freefall position a lot, lol. but i don't sleep on my stomach anymore.
  3. anakuro

    Oneness's GO!! in all types with Like an Edison and ZEAL LINK comment DVDs. XAA-XAA's Doshaburi no Kanojo x5 (my copy, friends' copies) + my in store tickets GAGA's second press of the single in the limited purple cover. Random free CDs that like an edison gave me. Also, not pictured, but I bought Oneness' tour pamphlet and some cheki partially in order to get a two shot with Syuma (it was totally worth it), partially because I wanted those things.
  4. anakuro

    Oh that's a shame...
  5. anakuro

    I always though My Eggplant Died Yesterday was a hilarious name tbh
  6. anakuro

    She's going to plenty of their in store events. You have to buy one copy to get one in store ticket. But she does sell the extras as much as possible. I do it too too a lesser extent: I have 5 copies of XAA-XAA's newest mini-album reserved.
  7. I'm pretty stoked too; they have a great chemistry together. ...And hopefully the production quality will be at ensoku level and not minus' so we can finally have some good recordings of minus lol
  8. anakuro

    No, he's been doing support for them this whole time. He also does support for like ADAPTER and such. They started out with no official drummer.
  9. anakuro

    yes on cocklobin, GHOSE and Heartless The band that stings the most is Belmosaic. I love XAA-XAA a ridiculous amount but I miss Belmosaic just as much. I still regret not being able to go to their last live (._. )
  10. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a regular release based on the release date being before the actual two mans. But yeah it's a pain in the ass getting ahold of Minus' stuff, pretty happy with what I do have... hopefully we can go together \(^o^)/
  11. looking forward to it! and hoping to go to one of the 2mans. They're always a great combination!
  12. anakuro

    He would.
  13. anakuro

    I doubt down scaling is intentional even if they say it is. It's probably just to save face. Because to be honest, they can't play bigger venues anymore--personally I'm highly skeptical o-east is going to go well with attendance. Ticket prices have gone up to make up for less people going...except even less people are going than before from what i can tell. I have a ticket in the 50s that I can't get rid of even with a price cut, when for a different line up normally it would be gone by now without cutting the price (then again, the starting price wouldn't be as ridiculous as BAROQUE's tickets are).
  14. anakuro

    It sounds like kei's solo project with ryo's autotuned voice over it. Interest died. Now I really need to find someone to take my okayama ticket off my hands.. It'd be cool if boogieman came back but they won't. Same with kannivalism.
  15. anakuro

    I'm officially over 100 lives v(._.)v Also my tumblr username has changed so that link is probably broken. Anyway adding on to where I left off... Lately my main bands I go see & am most interested in are ザアザア (XAA-XAA) マイナス人生オーケストラ (Minus Jin-Say Orchestra) えんそく (Ensoku) クレイドル (Cradle) ワンネス (Oneness) I'm pretty much stopping going to see サウイフモノ (Souiumono) 少年記 (Shounenki) Best memories since my last post... 2014.08.09: I got to see Belmosaic one last time and it was so good and so much fun even if I had no clue what the furi was since it was my second time seeing them. A girl lent me her towel and the gya were so fun and nice afterwards. They kept using English too. 2014.8.30: got a two shot with Syuma. We'd never met before. When I came up for the twoshot he asked me, "Misha?!" Yes, that's me!! 2014.12.3: XAA-XAA's first oneman, the curtain opened up and Junko, their mannequin, was just strewn EVERYWHERE (also caution tape everywhere) and it was just so funny. Also it was really nice showing up and the gya who I had met at Belmosaic remembered me. 2014.12.31: Mido was dressed as a shrimp almost the entire countdown live. Bye. He also got worried about me not doing the circle mosh (I saw them five times that week, I did it every other time) for godon at the countdown live. Sorry bro My feet hurt... 2015.4.8: It was just such a good line up and fun from start to finish--8 hours went by in the blink of an eye which is impressive. EVIST's members are dressed as monsters and they came down and scared the gya. It was awesome. 2015.5.6: Being in saizen when Jin-Machine was covering a Minus song and all the girls around me having to look to me for furitsuke lolol 2015.5.23: Kazuki from XAA-XAA climbed the pipe and hung like a monkey from the ceiling while singing for about half a song.
  16. It's a shame, they are fun. Also, sidenote: his name is Mashiro, not Shiro.
  17. anakuro

    Here's another: Kazuki and Reiya, both from XAA-XAA (ザアザア) & ex-Belmosaic. From what I've heard, Kazuki is the younger brother.
  18. anakuro

    More Ensoku CDs~! A bunch of Aya And actually as a bonus: the free CDs XAA-XAA (ザアザア) was handing out at KANSAI ROCK SUMMIT (I got Tsumetai from Reiya and Dokusou Orchestra from Roji).
  19. English is my mother tongue However, I studied Japanese for two (..and a half) years a school and then it was self study now I've lived here so long. Some days are of course better than others lol Fun fact about my Japanese: I speak in a very uncommon dialect. But, I'm told it's cute that I speak in a rural dialect...
  20. anakuro

    Thank you!
  21. I'm really happy to hear so many people are digging them. They're a mess and hilarious in so many ways but musically really solid and have been the most exciting thing in vk for me personally since their firt oneman. Here's to hoping they keep growing If anyone wants to grab doshaburi no kanojo I'm going to be getting three for other people so I can swing getting another couple I haven't orderd yet because I'm waiting on in store details to be announced so pm me if you're interested!
  22. Also, they will be distributing free CDs during KANSAI ROCK SUMMIT. Each CD has one song on it and it's random what you'll get. The list of possible songs includes: 「うそつき」 ("usotsuki") 教えて先生 (oshiete sensei) 感電、けがのおそれがあります (kanden, kega no osore ga arimasu) 冷たい (tsumetai) コワイクライ (kowai kurai) せめてもの世界 (semete mono sekai) 子守唄 (komoriuta) 独奏オーケストラ (dokusou orchestra)
  23. While my family is not particularly interested, they know it makes me happy and is my hobby etc so they're generally supportive or at least accept it. They generally ask me if I've gone to any lives lately, and my mom patiently listens to any stories I have, etc. The music itself will probably never be their thing but whatever. My mom would probably be willing to go to a live with me. My dad probably would not. And my sister has gone to two lives with me and while it's nothing she would ever get into, she enjoyed the experience quite a bit--she thought the way the girls dressed was really interesting, doing furitsuke was fun, and so on.
  24. They've also got a youtube you can check out some full songs here. Curious how this will turn out.. But as much as I love VK lives, I hope if Kousuke's fans jump over to Unveil, then they don't try to bring a VK atmosphere to Unveil's lives.
  25. anakuro

    you are too gurl u. u also we all know the man meat beside me helped raise the level of overall attractiveness in my picture
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