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About anakuro

  • Rank
    Shuuji's ATM
  • Birthday May 18

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Pikopiko Hell, Osaka

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  1. It's been a long time since I was first row for Souiumono and it was so fun. But not feeling it for Shounenki anymore except older songs. I did get Eiki's pick though~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. anakuro


      And I've seen Souiumono 20+ times? Of course there's the politics but I have no issues with negotiating it's not as scary as it sounds. "is it (saizen) open for [band name] in this area?" If yes you say you're name and you've got the spot basically

    3. Tetora


      First times I didn`t know and just went to the front but nobody said anything ever. Then I found out and just let the hardcore fans have their place. In a small venue I don`t really care, and big shows I can get a seat instead where it is a bigger difference if you aren`t close. I`m too tall so I block people and get hit by the towels and stuff anyway. Such is life.

    4. anakuro


      I knew about negotiating from a friend but was too nervous too do it. Then back in 2013 I met a girl and she negotiated for us both for Souiumono and after that almost every event live I've gone to with them I did saizen. I like it the most tbh

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