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Atreides last won the day on October 3 2016

Atreides had the most liked content!

About Atreides

  • Rank
    Mass x Velocity
  • Birthday 05/11/1987

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  • Interests
    Been following the Japanese music scene for nearly 15 years now, have a large interest in 70s and 80s Japanese music.

    80s VK, 90s Vk, J-Metal, J-Rock, J-Rap, Industrial, J-Pop, New Wave etc..

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  1. If people could fill their requests with [fulfilled], it'd make it alot easier for me as I'm generally too lazy to search MH to see if something's uploaded before I post it.

    1. paradoxal


      If you see requests that have clearly been filled but don't have the text [FULFILLED] in the title, report them to the staff and we'll fix them! That's one reason why the report button is there :)

    2. paradoxal


      I do occasionally go through the request threads locking the fulfilled ones, but haven't had time to do that recently.

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