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Status Replies posted by Kawaii_Minpha

  1. It is useless to start any conflicts with anybody, especially if you're on the Ignore List. x)

  2. what the FUCK are bicycles?

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      i don't know what it is, but is it something i can eat?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. woo! it's my birthday! time to drink alone! <3

  4. DOG just can't stop, won't stop.

  5. Oi, so I am guessing Imgur makes all uploads automatically public, I had thousands of views on some pics, lulz. Most popular were screencaps of my friend texting on my phone and a picture of some books I read...

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Nothing new, except new cd ^w^ and you? Yeah, i didn't tried hostingpics with mobile; only have a laptop.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  6. Oi, so I am guessing Imgur makes all uploads automatically public, I had thousands of views on some pics, lulz. Most popular were screencaps of my friend texting on my phone and a picture of some books I read...

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Nyan use hostingpics for all upload of pictures ^w^ With an account, every photo can be selected as private ^w^ Speaking of pictures, kawaii Minpha \^o^/ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CT6iI2EUcAAarA-.jpg

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  7. all my french mh members let us know you are ok

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      I speak French, but i'm not French and not from France, but this is a sad news. I hope that people from MH are ok.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Well I was not expecting this change .-. It looks nice but weird, guess I'll take some time to used to it o_o AND WHAT'S UP WITH THESE NAME CHANGES WTF D:

  9. What's the chance on meeting someone who thinks the same as you and on the day of meeting wearing same kind clothes designs, having same eyesight, got the glasses from the same store, same train subscription, saying the same thing out loud. I'm still speechless ;'D

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      weird stuff ^w^ usually when i see someone exactly like me, it's a mirror XD But now i don't have explanation for this

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. now i like pentagon/rave/anfiel/clowd/xyloride/i.rias/smileberry/lezard . just want to write here but don't know what i want to write just write my favorite bands now

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      taku is too masculine for me :P Do you like feminine Jrocker?

      I really love this pic from Minpha: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMk4tWJUYAAfNZ_.jpg


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. now i like pentagon/rave/anfiel/clowd/xyloride/i.rias/smileberry/lezard . just want to write here but don't know what i want to write just write my favorite bands now

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      From this list, i like pentagon, rave(like 1 song), i.Rias smileberry (for now, they only released one song), lezard (like 1 song).

      And i also love Minpha from pentagon, he is kawaii ^w^

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. In Spain, every man is a señor citizen.

  13. finally! i have internet once again!

  14. what the fuck the font

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Work fine for me, but the font appear smaller than usual, that's weird.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. my girlfriend just broke up with me via messager :'(

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Loyalty nowaday is very hard to find. It's one of my core value, i would never be able to leave someone and i don't understand couple that separate. But these days, most people leave their mate, and some use a coward way to do it. Cheer up yakihiko, Nyan ^w^

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  16. Fuck it, I finally bought MGSVTPP, I should get it tomorrow.

  17. Fuck it, I finally bought MGSVTPP, I should get it tomorrow.

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      -Fast ninja attack breaking the tranquilizer with a katana before it is used. Then, making ultra kawaii special magic and disappear in a flying pinku bubblegum and reappear in a land full of kawaii Jrocker ^o^ That is the Nyappy nyan secret weapon

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Wiping away the tears caused by the hiatus of ALSDEAD, and booting up METAL GEAR V. Shedding one more tear for Seth Rollins.

  19. Wiping away the tears caused by the hiatus of ALSDEAD, and booting up METAL GEAR V. Shedding one more tear for Seth Rollins.

  20. Went to the ER today because I passed out and stopped breathing, got a nebulizer treatment that made me feel much better, and now I feel like crap again. Another attack in 3..2...

  21. Some cunts used my credit card to pay the toll just behind me, I want to cry...ToT thankfully it's not pricey (31,70€, but -4,70 --my price-- : 27€) but still, I'm so done with the world. I hope I will not have another bad surprise...

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      That's right Tetora ^w^ I would call the credit card company to say i found a lost card. I'm sure you would be honest too ^o^ eiheartx, i really hope you'll be able to get a refund.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. Some cunts used my credit card to pay the toll just behind me, I want to cry...ToT thankfully it's not pricey (31,70€, but -4,70 --my price-- : 27€) but still, I'm so done with the world. I hope I will not have another bad surprise...

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      But your card wasn't blocked? There's so many not honest people -_-'

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. JPY's currency rate just raised by 5%! My Dogma..... ;___;

  24. JPY's currency rate just raised by 5%! My Dogma..... ;___;

  25. Is it only me that MH is sending me to a site called Utrack and to download Ilivid or something like that?

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      The only time i access to weird websites is when i access MH from google. Sometime searching a specific MH page with google, and i get to a weird page full of random characters.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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