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Status Replies posted by Kawaii_Minpha

  1. my MW/V x3 has been shipped, yay! I hope it'll arrive home quickly.

  2. Never do that again precious MH. You hear/read me? <3 ;;

  3. Decided to sell my Lycaon rarez... Goodbye 夢 and SET ME FREE T_T

  4. It is now February, and VK is about to KICK INTO OVERDRIVE. The Road to VKMania begins now... Let`s do this!

  5. Everything always has to be about suicide, doesn't it?

  6. Everything always has to be about suicide, doesn't it?

  7. http://i.imgur.com/GLrC8FC.jpg brb writing my Kaya x Tani fanfic
  8. why can't everyone just stop being mean to each other...

  9. MW/V is already on Brand-x for preorder, and still not on CdJapan è_é hurry !

  10. it's still not snowing.. how boring ._. and my uncle just wished me Happy Easter because it feels like spring.. :')

  11. Happy birthday to me huehue :'D


  13. I don't remember the last time I've listened to Versailles :o

  14. Can't believe how easily headaches come when all I want to do is listen to music. Urg.

  15. I give up, I am destined to have slow shitty internet forever.

  16. First time hitting a deer with my car....god damn that was scary >.<

  17. The best birthday. A lot of fun, rum with cola and nice people

  18. Got an inch of snow so far -.-

  19. these rotating banners are trippy

  20. 繰り返????????物事を覚??る????役??立??。Right?

  21. In case you didnt know, big sale on CDJapan 10-90% off.

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