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Posts posted by Visutox

  1. More people following the UCL out there?


    Here are the UCL quarter finals draw, just in case:




    No English teams this time, I thought that the EPL was the best championship in Europe. The most easy draw was clearly for Juventus, the other matches will be tough for both sides (yes, I think that even Bayern will struggle against Porto). PSG are capable to go through to the next stage, same for Atlético. Interesting draws, would have been even more interesting if it was Juve v Bayern and Porto v Monaco. The three Spanish teams are big contenders to win the trophy (RM and AM having reached the final last season, and Barça are strong currently), could say the same concerning PSG and Bayern. Hope we'll get some surprises though. 

  2. Apocalypto - 8.5/10


    Amazing movie. Everything in it is great, and you can feel the struggle of the main character throughout the whole film. A well shot movie for sure. And yeah, the morality of the story is worthy to spend time thinking about it.



    I also re-watched Ichi The Killer, good film. 

  3. I'm glad that the song "doesn't represent the musical style of Graveward" but "the ONLY fast song"? I'm kinda disappointed.

  4. B_h_WhqUIAADLuE.jpg

    Hope that someone has already heard of this band, namely Pantheion. A melodic/black metal band from Germany, and I don't find another thing to say except that they're true geniuses. They have released a few records before this one but seemingly they cannot be found on the internet. Whatever, The Faustian Disciplines is nothing but a fantastic album and pretty much every song on it are the epitome of perfection. The concept of the album, the cover art, the atmosphere...This album is highly recommended. I listened to this album many times now but I just can't get enough of it.
    Here are two samples off the album, my fav ones. But as I said, every song on the album is worthy of your time.
    These guys certainly have awesome references. And it's sad to see that such a good band goes unnoticed, they deserve more attention.


  5. 492069.jpg


    1. The Black Gates

    2. Harps of the Ancient Temples

    3. Titans

    4. River of Woe

    5. B.O.D.D.

    6. Blood Rite Tree

    7. Opaline Eye of Death

    8. Andromeda

    So fucking hyped for this one. it's going to be great, no doubt about that. 17 April seems so far away.


    I'm listening to Glaciation's new album and it's outstanding. I'm loving it so far, the three first tracks are awesome.


    Also came across this today, it's awesome. https://onryo.bandcamp.com/releases



    Originally from the UK now based in Japan, Onryō is supernatural atmospheric black metal with various influences. A deeply personal project.

  6. Honestly, I tried this album because I was a bit curious but I've concluded that this kind of stuff isn't my cup of tea. Not a bad album though, it's definitely going to please the fans. I think that the production quality could have been a bit better but it isn't a relevant point since it's decent. And yeah, indeed a great review! 

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