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Posts posted by Visutox

  1. New Peste Noire video for their main song on the split with Diapsiquir:


    The video is as white trashed as expected, but I really dig the song. This is the direction I had hoped the band would take after L'ordure..., so I am very happy about this.


    I didn't know they made a music video for "Dans Ma Nuit".. In any case, the video sticks very well with the song. Good stuff. 

    By the way, I will take advantage that you're talking about K.P.N and say that "L'Ordure à l'état Pur" and their eponym album are totally awesome (yet quite different), though I only listened once to the eponym. "L'Ordure à l'état Pur" blew me away, and especially "J’avais rêvé du Nord" which is lyrically and musically awesome. A great masterpiece.
    Well, I hope you guys will enjoy seeing these bands you mentioned as much as I'll enjoy my exams, yeah fml  !  :rock:

  2. This is fucking disappointing, but understandable. The only release I listened from them is "Future Tantric Engraved" (good shit, btw) and I honestly had some hopes to see them release something new again, but sadly that won't happen. 

  3. Yup, I really enjoyed the Budokai series but never tried Burst Limit (though I heard the game was poor compared to what Dimps produced in the past). What it's typical in the stuff they developed is the gameplay, in which you have less freedom of motion but that remains totally superb (even if it looks like they'll keep the same gameplay of the previous games for Xenoverse). That said, the fact that Dimps produced good BDZ games is reassuring and allows us to hope for something decent... Still the storyline doesn't seduce me.

  4. Seeing what sort of game "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" will be, I expect something really mediocre - yet I'll definitely try the game when it will come out. I don't like the plot, if I may say so. Anyway, the DBZ games died after Budokai Tenkaichi 3. Spike have no idea of what they're doing since the PS3/X360 gen... But hey, let's wait and see what Dimps are capable to produce.

  5. It looks so awesome and... sexy, but the best part is that the final version of the game is yet to come. My Tekken 7 hype level is too damn high!

    Otherwise, what's new concerning the arab fighter? Not an official Tekken 7 character yet or what? If we add Claudio and Katarina we already know the 3 new fighters and I guess that 2 or 3 more characters will be added to the game, but whatever. For now let's just wait for more news. 

  6. FF7 FTW. This franchise is all I talk about in here. xD I'm becoming a FF manic fan recently...


    Same, I started playing FFXII: IZJS on PCSX2 as it has been a long time since I've finished FFXII on PS2, what an amazing game. I plan to start again FFX and why not the previous FF games too.

    Still on PCSX2, I also started DBZ: BDT3 as I never had the opportunity to play it since its release and I'm loving it so far. Probably the best DBZ game ever made.

  7. What I like the most in this band is probably the way they manage to stay creative and at the same time they prevent their sound to go generic, which is not something easy when you're a deathcore/metalcore band. After their debut I've been a bit worried because they started to suffer of a lack of inspiration but thankfully they fixed that problem. Because yeah, usually, a deathcore band's originality doesn't tend to last long enough... That said, I just hope that GENESIS won't be the only good song coming from the album.

  8. I finished reading Blame! some weeks ago, it's really an awesome manga. I loved its chaotic/shambolic art and the "story", even if I'm not sure of having understand the end... But whatever. I should check out more stuff from Nihei Tsutomu, this guy is awesome.


    Currently I started reading Devilman and Defense Devil, I finished the first tomes of both mangas and I'm liking them so far.

  9. Daaang, why is this thread so dead? This game will probably be one of the best releases on new-gen and fo' sho' the best Metal Gear game so far. The possibilities offered to the player for an infiltration game are unbelievable, I was expecting something totally awesome but after seeing that gameplay video I've been totally amazed and it goes beyond my expectations. They managed to make it enough realistic to be entirely enjoyable, Fox Engine is indeed AMAZING. I bought Ground Zeroes and yeah, not bad for being a foretaste... At first I felt somehow lost in a such big map, but then I got used to it. I've been a bit disappointed they changed the item/weapon choosing panel, especially because it was something characteristic in the past Metal Gear games but hey, nevermind. The "assist to the player" thing when you get spotted by an enemy also disappointed me a bit, but I think it can be deactivated. For being a demo I guess it's good overall, but the price must definitely be a trolling attempt from Kojima... If it's so, it's been a success. What a beast.


    Anyway, can't wait to try TPP. In the meantime, gonna start playing the other MGS games for the nth time.

  10. ^ You posted the video of Kaleidoscope twice. xD

    - Cirith Gorgor - Thorns of Oblivion 

    Coming from 'Onwards To The Spectral Defile', this track is literally the calm after the flood. A magnificent way to conclude a magnificent album which is, btw, my fav black metal album.


    - Dragon Ash - Curtain Call

    Dragon Ash really nailed it with this track, probably their best album closer in their whole discography IMO. This song comes from the band's latest album, 'THE FACES'.


    Septicflesh - The First Immortal

    This is probably my fav track from their latest album, 'Titan'. The part from 1:50 to the end of the song is so amazingly done, what a majestic song... Damn.


    Summoning - Land of the Dead

    I almost forgot about this masterpiece... Shame on me. This song comes from 'Oath Bound'. It's probably the longest song from Summoning, but I wish it could last endlessly. Honestly, is there any need to say anything about this piece of art if it isn't to praise it? The lyrics, the atmosphere, the whole fucking song itself. This is just the definition of beauty and epicness, simple as that. 

  11. ^ LMAO. I know that feel, their level is just insane... But personally it kinda makes me want to improve until I've reached their level (even if I know that it's impossible with the time I have).


    In my case, I play to Tekken games since I'm a kid. I started with Tekken 3 and played (almost) all that has been released till now. I can't even say how much time I have spent playing to Tekken 3, I couldn't get enough of that game. Things are different now but I still love it, and Tekken is THE fighting game above any other IMO. Currently I'm playing to the latest one on PS3, TTT2. I'm not ashamed to say that my level is comparable to a horse dung. lol


    That said, there are some fighting games that I played till now.

    I used to play so much to Bloody Roar 3 on PS2. That game was such a beast, probably one of the few fighting games that I really enjoyed along with Tekken, Mortal Kombat : Deadly Alliance and SoulCalibur. SoulCalibur must be my 2nd favorite fighting game, that game is really good and the latest one (SoulCalibur V) was nice. Deadly Alliance was the only Mortal Kombat game that I've ever played and the first time I gave it a try I've been amazed. It was insanely awesome, fucking enjoyable game.
    What else...? I also played a lot to Dead or Alive 4 on X360. A cool game but nothing special and I could say the same thing about Virtua Fighter 5. 


    I never achieved to get into Street Fighter even if I think it's a good fighting game, I'm not too fond of it even if I enjoy playing Super Street Fighter IV when I have some free time... The ones released on PS1 were good too.

  12. Death I Am




    from L to R : Shogo Tsuruda / Jacob Wilcox / Yusuke Ito / Kaz Niita


    Created in winter 2005 by the name of “Cultura” and based in Tokyo, Japan, "Death I Am" is a Japanese Death Metal/Deathcore band. Due to time constraints and musical change Sekiguchi along with Yoshiro and Etsuko left the band. Shogo Kept writing songs and material while the band was on hiatus and got Yutaro on bass. Then he found Jacob for vocals and they recorded some songs and changed the name of the band to "Death I Am". After a few tours they released their second demo “Providence”. In April 2010 They released their 1st full length album “Nebula” on Realize Records. In 2014, Kaz Niita joined the band as the new drummer. The band released a demo in 2011 titled "A Slaughter Yet To Come" and another one in 2012, titled "Nanite Swarm". Currently the band is on tour and after that they'll start recording their 2nd full-lenght album.
    (Bio coming from : Mainly band's last.fm page; I made some changes and I added some recent information. The picture is from their website)
    Past Members

    Guitars : Yasuhiro Gotoh, Tomohiko Yoshida

    Bass : Sekiguchi
    Keyboards : Etsuko
    Drums : Yoshiro, Daishi Matsukura
    - Nascence (demo) 2007 
    - Providence (demo) 2007 
    - Nebula (album) 2010
    - A Slaughter Yet To Come (demo) 2011
    - Nanite Swarm (demo) 2012

    Twitter (Shogo's account)



    Official Website


    I was a bit surprised that this band had not a thread here so I started this one. Even if it's understandable since they aren't popular but anyway.

    I've been listening to this so talented band during a long time. Their 1st album "Nebula" released in 2010 is really great, awesome stuff. After that good album I got a bit disappointed because Yoshida and Matsukura had both left the band so I thought they'd be on hiatus or even split up but fortunately, the band is still alive.


    I've been also pleased to see that they released two songs this year. Wilcox is a fuckin beast.




    For those who don't know this band, here's some of their less newer stuff.




    And for those who may be interested, I got some news coming from Shogo on twitter.



    So we can expect a new album coming in 2015. That's great!

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