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Posts posted by Visutox

  1. Well, I agree with you, but I was talking above all about his seniority in the band. That was so unexpected. If someone had told me that before his departure he was leaving the band, I would have lol'd so hard. And conerning a possible arrival of a new member, what do you think ? 


    Personally, All Hope Is Gone disappointed me at the first listen, but then I realized that it was a good album, not their best, but good. I really liked Sulfur, Psychosocial, Dead Memories, Gehenna, Snuff, All Hope Is Gone, 'Til We Die... But yeah, they did better. 

  2. Oh, so you were talking about the debut album. Sorry, I thought you were talking about all their 90's stuff. So in this case, yeah, I agree. But the most important thing is they knew how to improve in their genre. 


    I would have rated same as you did, I think. Well, it's nice to see another Summoning fan here !


    And concerning the very similar bands, there's only Caladan Brood that I know. I should try the others you mentioned. I only listen to Caladan Brood, Summoning and Blut aus Nord.
    That last one is really interesting, I guess you know them already. I listen to this band for a few months now, and I loved their music.



    777 - Cosmosophy is an awesome album. I've only listened to that one.

  3. Well, as this thread is really dead, I've decided to up this topic to talk about the band news. 

    As you all know, Joey "left" the band. He's on a new band now, Scar the Martyr. 


    What do you think about that ? Disappointed ? Can you imagine a future for Slipknot without their drummer ? Lemme know your thoughts about that.


    Personally, I feel bad for one of my first and prefered bands. They lose an important member who is irreplaceable.


    Concerning the news, there are mostly rumors. I read that the band was in studio and that a new song is coming soon. I don't know, wait & see. 

    And for the social networks, as you all already noticed, they changed their profile picture and headers in a simple black colour. What do you guys think it means ?


    They also announced a new Knotfest festival in Japan. 


    I think that's nearly all, or at least, it's all that I know for the moment.

    If you guys have news about the band, it would be nice to share it in this topic.


    See ya !

  4. I think the same about those actresses. lmao. Yeah, Lady Gaga should really limit herself to sing, cause tbh and imo, beside that I find she hasn't charisma, she didn't acted well on that movie. I dunno, I didn't liked it. I respect her ofc. But yeah, the crowd, that's the aim. 

  5. Yeah, you do that. Though, emember that every single Sigh album is very different from the previous one. They've always managed to sound Sigh, but still every album is very different from the last one. Started out as a black metal band and moved through avant-garde black metal and then progressive/psychedelic black metal to heavy metal to symphonic blak metal and then avant-garde again. Unique and superb band!


    Very interesting, I should try then. I like bands that diversify their music and above all, bands that know how to do it. I'll grab their discography as soon as possible and I'll give it a listen.


    Really ? Personally, I like their debut, albums like Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur or Stronghold are very pleasant to listen to. Their lyrics are also amazing, especially when you're a fan of the mythological world of Tolkien. Is there an album from them that you prefer ? Mine is Oath Bound. Such a masterpiece, I can't get tired of that album.


    Oh, I don't know the band you mentioned. So, I should try if it's similar to Summoning. Thanks for that one. See ya!

  6. Not sure if there's any fans of Sigh around here at all, but a demo version of Out of the Grave can be heard here



    Incredible! Imense! Massive! Amazing! Awesome! Jesus, what a song!


    Indeed. I really like it.

    I've never heard about Sigh, but I think I'll give a listen to their discography. Really interesting. 


    I would go back to Fallen (Sorry for the delay btw). I listened to "A Tragedy's Bitter End" and the only thing I have to say is : Oh, My, God. I can't describe how much this album is stunning, awesome. And if I try to find more adjectives I think I'll spend all the day here, ahead of my computer. I'm simply amazed by its awesomeness. I wasn't expecting that. Anyway, I'll try the other bands that you suggested me as soon as I can. 


    Lately, I listen to some ambient black metal bands. Particularly to Summoning and Caladan Brood. I listened to the complete discography of Summoning and they directly became one of my prefered bands. They don't make music, they make masterpieces.



    And concerning Caladan Brood, they released only one album titled "Echoes Of Battle" and it's very similar to Summoning but they have their own style and they're awesome too. I only listened once to that album, and I should make more listens, cause they have such a marvelous universe.


  7. Same opinion as yours about the other. Uh, I find it really funny and badass but really sloppy. I don't know, it's the feel that I had when I watched it. Anyway, it may appeal to people who want to see a good badass/trash movie, but that's all. Not a bullshit, but mediocre, really. In nearly the same genre, BAD ASS was way better.

  8. There are not many Japanese releases that I had the opportunity to listen since the begin of the year. But I'm on it!

    Lately, I'm trying to focalize in non-Japanese stuff. 




    Fact - witness
    girugämesh - LIVE BEST


    NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST - Strike in fact

    Namie Amuro - TSUKI

    lynch. - GALLOWS

    Hello Sleepwalkers - Masked Monkey Awakening

    Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Rave-Up Tonight


    Dragon Ash - THE FACES




    Behemoth - The Satanist
    Whispered - Shogunate Macabre

    Mastodon - High Road

    John Frusciante - Enclosure

    Demon Hunter - Extremist

    Avatar - Hail The Apocalypse

    Architects - Lost Forever // Lost Together

    Animals As Leaders - The Joy of Motion

    Skindred - Kill the Power

    Of Mice & Men - Restoring Force

    De la Tierra - De La Tierra

    Dark Tranquillity - A Memory Construct (EP)


    And I'm looking forward many other releases this year!


    finally they have decent sound production, their previous album has bad sound production IMO

    I agree, but not only on that one. Almost all their CD haven't an optimal sound production.


    Anyway, I like that preview. KING & TOMORROW sounds really interesting. Can't wait for the album ! 




    By the way, anyone into funeral doom here? Be it the gothic kind, black kind, death kind of whatever. Any fans? I've had a huge funeral doom kick lately. Amazing and underrated genre.

    Well, I only know Shape of Despair, but I didn't listen so much to their stuff. 
    Otherwise, any suggestions ?
    Personally, I found an amazing band recently... Just try this, it's awesome !
    I've tried all their albums and I fell in love. I don't know if they're known, but they need to.

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