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Posts posted by Visutox

  1. I don't know if there's anyone on Sylosis around here, in any case, I am and I love 'em. I'm shit at tagging bands, especially with bands like Sylosis that really don't have a specific sound. At times it sounds metalcore-ish to me, but mainly thrash and (melodic) death metal. Anyway, when it isn't obvious, I always let the others argue about whether a band belongs to a specific genre or not.
    That said, they gonna release a new album on 12th January and meanwhile they dropped a single titled "Mercy" that I really dig. 


    It's really good, effective stuff. That doom outro really got me, it makes the song sound even better and also really worth checking it out.

    Anyhow, this single lets me hope something good concerning the upcoming album! Can't wait.

  2. Toxic Holocaust YEEEAAAHHH :D


    @Visutox If you like that old-skewl thrashy aggression, I recommend these guys too: 


    (repping my home city, heh)


    Yup, Toxic Holocaust are awesome! :)

    I tried some songs from Mörbid Carnage and they're really really good, awesome stuff...

    They have released only one album? Gotta try the one of the link anyway. Thanks for the recommendation, dude!


    I guess he already knows bands such as Bathory, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer, Venom, Kreator, Sodom, Destruction and so on, these classic bands with a pretty big status within the black and thrash genre.


    Here's a few lesser known bands you should check out:


    NME were one of the early blak thrashers, playing in a similar style as Venom, just more blackened.

    Sabbat were one of the first extreme metal bands from Asia, playing black metal in the begining before transforming into black/thrash in 99. Lots of people consider their early outputs black/thrash as well, but I don't. For me it's pure black metal as black as only black metal can be. One of the best bands ever.

    Aura Noir is an "all star" Norwegian black/thrash band with members from Cadaver, Dødheimsgard, Mayhem, Ved Buens Ende and more. One of the more legendary black/thrash bands around.

    Bulldozer is another legendary band, released some fantastic albums in the 80's.

    Abigail & Barbatos is the bands of Yasuyuki Suzuki, a legendary Japanese black metaller. Abigail started out as a pure black metal band but got thrasier after the first album, and Barbatos is a mroe punky version of Abigail. He also have a black/thrash band with Joel Grind of Toxic Holocaust called Tiger Junkies.

    Nocturnal is one of the many bands of Avenger, playing raw, teutonic black/thrash in the vein of old Detruction, Sodom and Kreator.

    Cruel Force is a Bathory-worship band. One of the best out of the newer black/thrash bands IMO. The Rise of Satanic Might is a modern classic IMO.

    Sauron plays raw, yet catchy black/thrash of the purest kind.



    I could probably continue forever. Love me some good black/thrash like.


    Wow, really awesome stuff you posted here. That song from Sabbat is truly amazing, what a masterpiece. Glad to see another legendary black metal band from Japan! (And I guess there's another western band with the same name, right?). Nocturnal seems to be an awesome band, I like the song you shared so gonna check out their stuff asap. Sauron also seems to have some amazing stuff, at least that's what I can say after listening Thrash Till Death. Btw, I'm asking this due to the band's name, do their lyrics deal with the world of Tolkien or not at all? The rest is good as well but the bands I mentioned really caught my attention so gonna try 'em first. Thanks. 

  3. After many listens, I find that it's a weak album imo. I started liking it but then I quickly got bored of it. There's only 3 or 4 songs that are good and I feel like the rest is just there to fill the album trying to hide the band's lack of inspiration... And the bonus songs don't even raise the overall level of the album (I even think that these have the contrary effect on it). Here's a proof that quantity doesn't necessarily fit with quality. Overall, the album is somewhat ok but except 3 or 4 songs out of 16, the rest is easily forgettable. That's what I think about The Gray Chapter, and I'm not even comparing it to their previous releases. I understand that it's a "new" Slipknot and having a new line-up is not always a simple matter, in some cases it could even be a brutal change but I believe they can get over this and why not release something better next time. I'm gonna repeat it if something : it's NOT a bad album and I still like it, but I think that it's their weakest.


    I don't feel like comparing this new album to their previous works but I'm just gonna say that I've enjoyed All Hope Is Gone a bit more than The Gray Chapter.

  4. Got it comrade, gonna check these ones asap. Thanks.


    Hopefully we'll get some news before the end of the year. 


    Their hiatus makes me sad somehow, basically for the reason you mentioned. Let's hope his project is worth stopping Battlelore activities for a long time and see what happens in the future.


    So they somehow went mainstream, I should have guessed that this was the reason (even if I haven't tried all their early stuff yet)... That doesn't bother me anyway, as they still awesome. Yeah I dig the drums on that new album too, awesome drummer. Really loved that new album.
    Otherwise, currently I also listen to some black/thrash metal bands. Awesome stuff.
    Still need to discover other bands tho. 

  5. C'est possible ! Il me semble que je te suis sur twitter moi aussi. xD 


    Oui, c'est sûr que la lecture ça aide beaucoup, surtout quand il s'agit de l'écrit. Après, les films c'est également un bon moyen de s'habituer quand il s'agit de l'oral, même si le meilleur moyen reste de le parler. Quant à moi, je n'ai pas d'autre choix que de m'améliorer en lisant vu que je n'ai pas de cours d'Anglais à l'unif (et la plupart du temps je n'ai pas le temps de lire quoi que ce soit à cause des cours, donc bon !). Se mettre à écrire sur des forums peut aider aussi (comme je pense avoir dit précédemment), voilà l'une des raisons pour lesquelles je suis là.

  6. Two. Ulver released Bergtatt, which is their folk-influenced black metal with a lighter approach to the genre, and Nattens Madrigal wich is a grim and ugly form of black metal.


    But Gallowbraid should please you. Agalloch clone to 1000. Drudkh plays atmospheric black metal with some folk. I like all, but their first four and Microcosmos and Eternal Turn of the Wheel are masterpieces. Great, great band!

    Bergtatt is a masterpiece. I love it all, and I'm pretty sure this album has been over the years a source of inspiration for many atmospheric black metal bands... I really have to give it more listens, it's outstandingly awesome.

    Concerning the other one, when you said "ugly form of black metal" I assumed immediately that it was a raw black metal album... I'm not too fond of that genre but this time, Nattens Madrigal really amazed me. I rarely listen to that kind of black metal and yeah, I don't always enjoy something that much. Definitely one of my fav albums ever.


    Moreover, I also tried some stuff from Fen (The Malediction Fields, Ancient Sorrow and atm I'm listening to Dustwalker) and an album from Drudkh (Autumn Aurora). I really loved these two bands (maybe Fen more than Drudkh)... Comparing them with Agalloch, their music is really different (fortunately) but it's still awesome. What I'm trying to say right there is that, up to now, I've tried many atmospheric black metal bands but I can't get bored as they're all so original, so creative (and even when it isn't that much original it's still awesome). Anyway, thanks for all your recommendations. I still have stuff to check out but I think I tried the main. 

    Yeah, for some it might be a bit too much as Gallowbraid is nothing but an Agalloch clone, but I think Gallowbraid has got more than enough character to work very well. As for the album, no idea. It's more than a year since he last mentioned it I think. Hoping for some more news soon.



    Yeah, you're right. They kinda left most of the extreme metal element behind and went in a doomier and more gothic direction with their fourth album. But Doombound is recommended for fans of the three first. They've gone back to the more extreme days of old, but perhaps a bit less folky than the two first. It's more in the vein of Third Age of the Sun.


    Sure, I totally agree. So Gallowbraid is a solo project? I thought so at first but I wasn't totally sure about that... Anyway, if ever a new album is released I hope it will be something more personal, creative and surely awesome (as the first album).


    Otherwise, two days ago I took some time to try Doombound and I really loved it. As enjoyable as the three first, but these three still special to me. I don't know, they have something that makes them unique, somehow. I think I read somewhere that the band is one hiatus right now, is that so? 


    I've made a list with my favourite death metal releases for both the Swedish and Finnish scene, and even though Norway never had much of a death metal scene and more importantly not a specific sound, I thought it would suck not to do one anyway because there came some very good death metal releases from Norway in the early-mid 90's.


    1. Darkthrone - Soulside Journey

    2. Old Funeral - The Older Ones

    3. Thou Shalt Suffer - Into the Woods of Belial

    4. Mortem - Slow Death

    5. Cadaver - Hallucinating Anxiety

    6. Vomit - Rotting

    7. Darkthrone - Goatlord

    8. Molested - Blod-draum

    9. Cadaver - ...in Pains

    10. Amputation - Slaughtered in the Arms of God


    Good stuff.


    I tried some links and aside the bands I already know (only one in fact, which is Vomit. The second one is Old Funeral but I only know it by name), Molested and Cadaver really caught my attention. Gotta check their material asap... 

    Btw, what a cool picture of Varg! *save picture as...*


    I'd like to go back on atmospheric black metal and talk (once again) about Blut aus Nord as they released a new (amazing) album. 



    I tried Memoria Vetusta III - Saturnian Poetry as soon as I was aware of its release, and I loved it. I saw a lot of fans saying being disappointed but I really don't see why, they may be comparing it to the two previous MV (or maybe their oldest stuff) but I haven't listened to MV1 nor MV2 yet, therefore I can't say if it's so. I can't even give a constructive opinion since I only listened the album once, but I'll definitely do it when I'll be able. In short, for a first listen I really find the album mindblowing and I dig it.

  7. I only know DELUHI (love them) and MEJIBRAY (don't like them at all). "Orion once again" is such a good song, I miss that band... 


    1. Tool - Schism

    2. Septic Flesh - When All Is None

    3. Kalmah - Using the word

    4. Slipknot - Before I Forget

    5. Whispered - Dead Cold Inside

    6. Mastodon - Island

    7. Hello Sleepwalkers - Countdown

    8. Mudvayne - IMN

    9. Tool - Parabola

    10. Gojira - Wisdom Comes


    I had to chose between "Wisdom Comes" and "Schism" and my choice goes for Tool's song, what a masterpiece.

  8. Ça fait plaisir de se lâcher et de se mettre à écrire en Français de temps en temps, surtout sur un site anglophone. Et puis aussi de voir qu'il y a pas mal de Français sur le site ! :D


    Je suis heureux de constater que je ne suis pas le seul à galérer avec l'Anglais, j'essaye de faire de mon mieux et de ne pas faire trop de fautes. C'est pas toujours très évident, surtout quand il s'agit d'argumenter, mais du moment que je me fasse comprendre ça me va. Je me dis aussi qu'il n'y a rien de mieux que d'améliorer son Anglais en discutant à propos de choses qu'on aime tels que la musique en général, le visual kei, mais également bien d'autre choses !


    Et je vois aussi que ça parle beaucoup de Nautiljon, ce qui est normal d'un côté. En soit, ce site est vraiment très bon et m'a permit de découvrir beaucoup de choses (que ce soit en VK, en J-Rock, films et j'en passe...) mais je rejoins votre avis quant à la communauté, qui est pour le moins étrange... Ça ne m'a pas empêché de faire connaissance avec de personnes vraiment très sympathiques ! Et puis bon, il faut dire aussi que c'est assez difficile de comparer Nautiljon et MH, l'un étant un site regroupant beaucoup de choses en rapport avec l'Asie et l'autre, un forum avant toute chose. Mais bref, c'est un sujet dont je me passerais avec plaisir.


    Quoi qu'il en soit, heureux de voir autant de francophones actifs sur ce forum.

    Sur ce, au plaisir de vous lire prochainement !


  9. I see things like this : MONSTER compared to GO is an improvement, MONSTER compared to MUSIC is a regression.

    So my vote goes for MUSIC, this album clearly wins. I like both albums but in terms of heaviness they haven't produced something better than MUSIC imo, I regret the metalcore-ish tones they adopted since MONSTER even if they're pretty good at it. When you listen to tracks like Asking Why, DEAD WORLD, FREAKS or ULTIMATE 4 it's like getting a punch right in the face. Girugämesh is a band that likes to experiment new stuff and they always did it along the years, sometimes it's good, sometimes it isn't. They're maybe not among the most creative bands but certainly among the most effectives (debatable at times), they really enjoy what they do and you can feel it.

  10. Thanks for the information. Just finished listening to "Ashen Eidolon" from Gallowbraid and it's totally the kind of sound that I was looking for, I'm a little disappointed because it's sounds maybe too much like Agalloch but nonetheless it's still a fucking masterpiece. Thanks for that band. Otherwise, I read that they'll release an album this year... Are there more news?

    Anyway, now I'm gonna continue my listen and try the other bands. 


    Besides that, I'd like to talk a bit about Battlelore as I said some weeks (months?) ago that I was going to try their stuff... Well, I've tried all their discography except their latest album, Doombound. I really enjoyed their first three albums which are totally awesome but sadly, the rest didn't had the same effect on me, less memorable imo. Plus, I dunno what you think about that, but I feel like their sound went weaker over the years (precisely after their 3rd album). They're still an awesome band though, even if I appreciate them it's basically because of their first three masterpieces (the 1st being my favorite one), it's undeniable that their strength are their lyrics. That said, I still gotta listen their latest album. Anyway, thanks for sharing this awesome band with us!

  11. Falloch are awesome imo, I really loved "This Island, Our Funeral" even if I still prefer "Where Distant Spirits Remain". Concerning Ulver, I tried all their stuff (which I find totally mind blowing) unless their 90's era (don't include Kveldssanger, I loved that one). I think I read they had recorded only one black metal album, is that right? Anyway, unless Falloch and Ulver, I don't know any of the bands you mentioned so gonna try them all and maybe give my opinion if I got some free time.


    Thanks a lot, dude.

  12. Wow, didn't know this band. Just listened to this song and I really loved it, which is normal when you're a fan of Tolkien's world. Going to try their discography asap but especially that album, '...Where the Shadows Lie'. The female vocals amazed me on that track, and the growls sound pretty awesome to me. Concerning the track, nothing to say if just that it's amazing, I love the atmosphere there is in that song and the lyrics as well. Thanks for sharing, dude!

  13. Being a fan of Tekken, this is a good new for me. I wouldn't mind enjoying a Pokémon fighting game with a Tekken gameplay, as it looks to be. (?)
    It's gonna be Arcade only, yes, but let's hope they'll release it on gaming consoles, even if I think it will depend on the popularity it's gonna acquire... Or not.

  14. Love that album artwork. So 14 new tracks if we don't count the 2 already known, that's great... The track names are also cool.
    I have a good presentiment concerning that album, I'm looking forward to listen to it.


    Btw, notice the tribute to Paul in the album title.

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