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Everything posted by Tetora

  1. Re-watching all of Eureka Seven. Ten years later and I love the show even more. I see many things in new ways as well. Will watch AO as well. At first I didn't like that show, but then in the later episodes I started to see it a different way, and it was really amazing.

    1. Spectralion


      I never watch E7. I think, I need to watch it.

    2. Mihenno


      e7 is one of my favorites

    3. Tetora


      xriko, you should try AO.

      Spectralion, you're missing out.

      Mi'ihen, that's it!

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  2. Looking forward to it. Fitting title for them.
  3. Regret taking some Luna Sea albums of my phone.

  4. Now it's time for EXTREME RULES. Going to be hard to top last year, which featured one of the most important battles in World History (Evolution vs. The Shield), but anything can happen!

  5. Very surprised by the new band DiVOID! I recommend checking them out.

    1. paradoxal


      i really like them too!

  6. Tetora

    Very strong start for your band, I really like the song, and see that you already have the tools to set yourselves apart with a nice, defined sound, good language skills and from I what I see in your avi, a good look. I don`t use Facebook so not sure if I am missing something, but I would like to see more of your band`s look, and read about your influences, etc... when that is available. I`ll be following your future work, please keep us updated!
  7. UNPOPULAR OPINIONS thread getting DAMN juicy! - Munches on popcorn-

    1. kyoselflove


      I'm weak too lol

    2. Tetora


      That's what Team Lycaon is for.

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  8. I would like it if more people posted their favorites in the monthly thread as I would like to see them, or if there was a recommendation box that worked like the status updates but said "「Username?? recommends: 「凛 - Memento Mori??「 Why: Because it's etc, etc...?? " But to say that, I guess I should contribute as well when I have the time.

    1. CAT5


      Definitely, I feel like ppl probably feel the BNT threads are a bit too intimidating? I'm not sure, but i'd love to see more ppl post there!

    2. yakihiko


      I always bring my monthly's best new tracks :)

      I'm not good when writing big texts in english(not my native language), so I try make small ones with my very best.

      I not very intimidate CAT5 XDD

      But I want to see more users doing it too. I have discovered one of my best bands after reading this kind of review from you guys.

    3. beni


      ^ This has made my day. <3 I also wish more users would respond.

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  9. Has a recent slew of disagreeable posts been getting you down? Tired of those pesky haters? Try Monochrome-Heaven's new 'CNN Mode'. To activate it , simply block all members except for Trombe (and me of course), to enjoy a peaceful stream of news involving your favorite artist's, without the risk of randomly encountering enemies which will undoubtedly wear down your endurance, and perhaps drive you mad.

    1. paradoxal


      ^ did you just compliment the staff

    2. nekkichi


      I did!!! I honestly enjoy all the recent spring cleaning here, had to block only like a couple most persistent l'trolls.

    3. paradoxal


      wow, the staff thanks you :D (i'm not taking any credit since i have been a mod for like two days)

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  10. I either own or have preordered every single thing in every CDJapan recommendation e-mail. On one hand, that means the recommendation system is accurate, but on the other, it would be nice if they could account for customers purchases.

    1. Tetora


      Oi, seems my relationship with the CDJapan algorithm's is stronger! You don't like Spidey? I never get recommended figures, but if they ever do, it better be the Tobey Maguire era of Spiderman.

    2. Owl


      Spidey is certainly not my favourite. I've never ordered fugures, but I browsed SW collection so that's why they recommend it I guess.

    3. Tetora


      Oh yeah I bookmarked a random thing once and they sent me news on the item-line afterwards. Also when I google headphones they always pop up in google ads for months afterwards...

      But is the whole grudge against Spiderman because of that one time he beat up Owlman? I thought that was in the past!

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  11. Looking forward to this! It is in a long time, but they have been working non-stop for a while now so I think it is good. Lots of big shows, new Hall tour, and great releases. They said their last album was all about sounds from the Past, Present and Future of DOG, so it was very different, and that has me wondering what Meteorite will sound like. Their last two singles were amazing, so let's see what happens.
  12. Getting too used to staying in and studying, summer is coming and bike riding is sure to change that! Also, seems like everyone just uses their consoles to play that game called 'Netflix'', what the heck!? And finally, want to get into some new bands, been following the same stuff lately which is nice but I feel like there could be new favorites hiding behind every blade of grass, time to cruise Youtube and do some research while I make flashcards.

  13. Tetora

    Can't get over this epic character design. Simple yet addictive: http://imgur.com/tLs5RtD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCpamoCXIAAy1G6.jpg:large Nomura did it again. Edit: Looking again at it, it`s kind of like a sexual look, but at the same time, she looks strong like she can snap up your sh!t or inject you with some bad stuff, so I find it cool, they have control over their world, and aren`t just an object in yours.
  14. Tetora

    Seriously regret coming into this thread, but anyway, gotta completely disagree with Jon Jonz: Pretty bad way to start a post that just may end up outdoing any ignorance or bullsh!t that came before it in the thread. Is that a statistic? Maybe I should listen to something else so I can open my mind, see the real world, be one with the universe.... Pretty darn narrow-minded and downright hateful way to feel about someone with a different opinion than you. I seriously hope that this is about VK influenced bands outside of Japan only, and that you aren`t implying Yohio and co. help support actual Japanese bands in any way... Or maybe I am wrong and X Japan or Vamps would never play NYC without Yohio... Pretty sure people will still want to see Visual bands they like even without forcing themselves to try and enjoy foreign imitations that don`t bring anything to the table. Visual Kei is far from simply Glam. Glam, Hair Metal and so forth are some of the ancestors of the music, for sure, but they in no way define it, and any attempt to accuse modern VK of being a Glam or Hair Metal rip-off would be buried under the countless iterations of Visual bands which have put their own perspective and ideas into the a mix of ideas that come from all over the world. Also no idea why tranny is said so much around here, and any sexuality at all is not a factor for me personally in terms of my enjoyment of VK. Pretty sure you have more scrobbles of VK than most people here combined. But you`re exempt from any kind of infatuation with Japanese culture / products? I don`t see `culture` being spread, I hold culture to a somewhat higher esteem than thinking a little boy who paid to have make-up put on and producers make his band sound like somewhat old Gazette is spreading `culture`. Japanese culture has been spread for a very long time, bringing the world a wealth of new ideas, perspectives, and technologies. This has nothing to do with that, in my opinion. The reason why so many often fail (and fail hard) at creating many `Japanese things`, is they lack the cultural background, understanding of how things came about, and why, as well as the actual nuances of PERSPECTIVE that Japan can add. No, you don`t have to be of pure Yamato blood and raised in Honshu to get it, but simply looking and or listening to something Japanese and then copying it (usually poorly) WITHOUT ADDING ANY OF YOUR OWN PERSPECTIVE WHAT-SO-EVER usually ends up creating something that is not a cultural import, not a new take on foreign ideas, and not anything interesting to most `educated` people at all. It ends up being DERIVATIVE (junk). All ideas come from somewhere, The Waltz to The Schmaltz, Ragtime, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Metal, Hair Metal, Visual Kei. Yet somehow, as usual, the Japanese thing is especially a rip-off, and Japanese people are up to their thieving ways again, right? Let`s just ignore the fact that same Blues riffs are used in countless songs, guys like Jimmy Page and Ritchie Blackmore copied those riffs as well as other forms of music extensively, then that cycle repeated over and over again, until today where we can google current lawsuits or Youtube compilations of rip-offs from all around the world. But VK is to be shamed specifically! Something about Japan has always led foreigners to proclaim some sort of ill conceived notion that they are some special unique counterfeiters who make nothing of their own... Until the reality that Japan is one of the biggest cultural exporters and innovators of all time sets in (if it ever does, as in, if people ever actually learn more about the book than just its cover). So you`re saying: Hey, not much people support the Japanese bands in the first place, but let`s change any focus we had onto supporting these Western bands for some reason... Surely it is more important to support them than, you know, actually creative bands, or actual current or past ambassadors for Visual Kei and Japanese Rock, like Dir en grey, Larc, VAMPS, Girugamesh, X Japan, etc... ???? 1:Okay, so why don`t we talk about those in other threads, and support them if we actually like them, for example, bands like Lilith, as opposed to you telling us we should care about this Yohio band that many seem to dislike and only follow out of morbid curiosity? 2: Disagree, and disagree. Overall I would have expected a much different, richer opinion from someone who listens to so much Visual Kei music. In regards to things expressed not solely inside of the post I quoted: At this point, it seems like some terms are just becoming irrelevant due to over-use, like: Rip-off, or trying to insult a VK band by calling them Indie... Also just lol at `better than indie-fag` bands, not even sure why the select use of derogatory terms is allowed, but whatever, moving on: Since when are the Indie VK bands seen as lower quality or, more importantly, the term Major seen as any indication of quality? I can name tons of Indie bands that play circles around the Major bands, and if popularity is your rating point, I`m guessing you think Pop Idols are the cream of the crop. Hey, in reality that`s what this Disreign thing kind of is, I see it as less Rock and more Pop considering someone did their looks for them based on a pre-existing style, someone made the video based on pre-existing videos, someone made the album art for them based on pre-existing album art, someone produced the track to sound just like at least one pre-existing track... Where is the creative input and process from the band here? Also to the question of why would we listen to Japanese singing in English: Because again, they put their own perspective on it, and we get a fresh product (not all the time, but you know). No matter what people say VK and other forms of Japanese music are very unique and can`t be substituted. Contrast an Indie band playing a common style with some English lyrics to a recent Miyavi song co-written by other people. You see the difference perspective makes in creating a somewhat unique product compared to what many are finding disappointment with in Miyavi`s latest. Anyway, just my thoughts, it goes off topic, it goes back on topic, then it goes somewhere else, but whatever, think what you will, peace. EDIT: If you like this band or whatever else, cool. I personally don`t but am not judging anyone, just disagreeing with the blanket statements, prejudices, and weird spin that seems to be put on some things. No I don`t think this band is original or important for VK at all, but that`s just me and those things don`t even need to matter to everyone anyway.
  15. Finally got latest Matenrou Opera. Darn good single, first song is that Avalon style, second has that addictive hook, but oh man the third track with that 80's throwback. Awesome stuff.

  16. Whoa, I am behind the times... FinalFantasy Dissidia for Arcade as well as Star Ocean 5, as well as a new FFXIV update, AS WELL AS Rampage Land Rankers with Nomura designing. Things are heating up!

    1. Tetora


      It's going to be BALLING!

    2. Tetora


      Also almost forgot to mention, my boy Ramza is in the new Dissidia!

    3. Spectralion


      I'm crying because I can't play it all :"

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  17. Oi, oi, oi, oi, so what's this, Xenon is on Danger Crue now? Could it be true? Very nice PV and a step up in production it seems as well. Interesting new development if they have been drafted.

    1. Tetora


      Or should I say XENON.

    2. tetsu_sama69


      oh my lord yes i was waiting for this!

    3. Lestat


      The twins band that matters! Forget about Hiro and Yoshi!

  18. First day of truly nice weather. Feel like running away somewhere.

  19. Busted my @ss for days straight helping someone set up their new biz, think I pulled a muscle in my neck so now all I can do is sit, chill, watch something (hopefully) interesting, and write long rambling posts on here.

    1. Tetora


      Oh, and raise some Dragons, need to get one like Mushu from Mulan lulz.

    2. Spectralion


      Looking forward to your long-ass review from you, maybe...

  20. That feel when you decide to take your dragons up to the next colliseum difficulty to play with the Big Boys, and get REKT.

    1. Tetora


      Add me so I can attack you Hiroki. My dragons are hungry.

    2. hiroki


      my username there is hiroki as well, if anyone wants to add me ^^;

    3. Spectralion


      I need to pace up my game. All I do is just mini game. I don't even know how to leveling my dragons. X(

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  21. Wonder when a new LAMA release is coming. They are still playing shows but no new tunes in a while.

    1. yakihiko
    2. beni


      Hopefully something new some day soon. Would be nice to see.

    3. Show next comments  24 more
  22. BugLug again with one of my favorite booklet designs; a themed picture for each song, really cool.

    1. CAT5


      That sounds really cool. I tried them for the first time with their latest album, and was pleasantly surprised at how fun and varied the album was.

    2. kyoselflove


      Love it when that happens.

    3. Tetora


      Just opened mine now and put it on my phone, biggest banger so far is 猿 (Saru (Monkey)), gets me so pumped.

  23. Tetora

    I don't see how it makes sense to accuse someone who was recently under care for a serious disorder which ruins lives slacking for not rushing out a single for five people to buy and everyone else to download. I don't believe musicians are slaves giving their health away for the amusement of a moderate fanbase. Despite that they have a healthy live schedule, still entertaining their fans, and what has been released is certainly understandable as it takes much less work then putting together and releasing something up to par with their two last singles. They also do not have a solidified record label anymore. DC still lists them in some cases, although they have not been officially working with them and there is no info that I have seen on what label / manager they will be working with on their next official release. People might criticize DC, but it is a lose-lose for them, as they either have to seperate from a group they put a lot into, or continue supporting D.I.D. and taking the burden and blame for any health issues he may again come across, as thy would take responsibility for making and or allowing him to continue the busy stressful life of a musician. Also, besides production and release issues (they can't produce or distribute the same quality as their previous releases by themselves), thy either still have Pablo from PTP on board, and want this to be a big release to not only make their comeback but use his popularity to push off of, or they don't have him on board and need to re-do the composition and figure out how to create a worthwhile sound without the same band set-up and minus a major contributor to their song writing. Just my two cents.
  24. Trying Spotify a bit since it is on Playstation now. Seems like StarWave is the label that adds the most stuff, as DarkWater always mentions. So far no ads despite free account.

  25. Just saw Fast7... DAMN that was good!

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      I haven't seen any of these. But i'm glad to hear you enjoy watching the movie ^_^

    2. Tetora


      Thanks bro.

    3. CaRaN


      I'm gonna watch it next wednesday

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